'Doble Alaga' campaign for heart and bone health

MANILA, Philippines - High-calcium Nesvita Pro-Heart recently launched a campaign dubbed “Doble Alaga,” which aims to educate adult milk drinkers on the importance of protecting their hearts by lowering cholesterol levels while at the same time strengthening their bones.

The campaign is centered on the dual benefits of the product a milk drink that is rich in calcium that strengthens bones, and a heart-friendly beverage that helps reduce bad cholesterol.  

“We want to strengthen awareness on the importance of taking care of both heart and bones among adult milk drinkers by deploying nutritionists in selected supermarkets and drugstores,” says Trina Abola-Neri, consumer marketing manager for Nesvita. “This way, we will be able to answer their concerns and promote Nesvita Pro-Heart adult milk drink as the healthy beverage that can help lower their cholesterol level.”

Nesvita Pro-Heart is the only high-calcium milk drink with double-action protection. It provides calcium to protect your bones and is the only milk drink with Acticol a natural plant sterol that inhibits absorption of cholesterol in the body. Nesvita Pro-Heart not only helps strengthen your bones; it also protects your heart.

Visit selected drugstores and supermarkets in Metro Manila until the end of November and ask nutritionists about Nesvita Pro-Heart adult milk drink and its “Doble-Alaga” protection.

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