Let the kettlebell bring fitness cheers

When I first saw a kettlebell, I felt transported to the past and for a while, I wondered if there was a place for such a simple weight in today’s gadget-crazy world. How would it appeal to current gym goers? I wondered. I cannot question the efficacy as for sure, it works. It looks intimidating though and only expert guidance can swing someone from being a non-user to a passionate advocate.

The russian kettlebell is coming

The kettlebell is a traditional Russian fitness tool. It looks like a cannon ball with a handle.  Kettlebells are used in ballistic or swinging movements or press and pull exercises that you do with weights.

Recently, such an expert was invited by the Philippine Kettlebell Club or PKC, which was founded only in the last quarter of 2009 by Nico D’Haenen. PKC is the first Kettlebell organization in the Philippines, comprised of internationally certified Kettlebell trainers who officially popularize and create noise that generates enthusiasm from the country’s local fitness industry. As a club, they aim to promote awareness of the benefits of working out with kettlebells through proper instruction and execution relevant to athleticism and general fitness.

Theirs is an advocacy to educate people about the importance of eliminating muscle imbalances or weaknesses, and establishing functional movement patterns. Propelled by the belief that each individual can tap into the wisdom of his body in order to maximize his potential, they offer to those open to learning how the body moves and functions, as well as enhancing movements and performance through the discipline and science of kettlebell training for total mind and body wellness. 

In principle, the use of the kettlebell requires more skill and focus than weights since the displacement of the weight from the hand requires stabilizing muscles to engage more with each movement. D’Haenen says that kettlebell exercises are whole-body exercises requiring full body integration and core stabilization. ”There is no such thing as isolated muscle work in kettlebell training,” he adds.

Asked about the benefits of this special type of training, he quickly points out, “It provides total body exercise, which enables you to train every muscle from every possible angle. There is definitely no muscle isolation! You will get a toned, firm, and athletic body that is primed and ideal for each individual’s day-to-day activities and sport. You will improve your metabolism and it is highly effective in promoting fat loss,” D’Haenen enumerates.

“This type of training also promotes movement efficiency, which greatly reduces the possibility of injuries by fixing the compensation and imbalances in the body. It builds strength, power, endurance, agility, and mental toughness. It also reduces tension and stress. And finally, kettlebell training is fun, time-efficient, and cost-effective,” he concludes.

Ring my bell, It’s my move!

He reasons out that while the fitness industry offers countless training options such as yoga, Pilates, bodybuilding, seldom can one get the broad range of benefits that one can get from Russian kettlebell training.

The fitness industry is filled with countless training methods and it can get so confusing for the lay public to know what the best approach is for them in terms of health and fitness. It can range from yoga and Pilates to bodybuilding training methods. Most of them offer different benefits, but very seldom can you get a broad range of benefits that you can get from Russian kettlebell training.

Russian studies confirm that regular kettlebell users have low body fat percentage. It is also a great tool for improving functional strength as the exercises focus on movement efficiency rather than isolating muscles. This can improve athletic performance and even movements in everyday life.

D’Haenen surprisingly reveals that “kettlebell exercises can reduce aches and pains. People who start this form of training experience a reduction in pains and aches such as on the knees or shoulders.  This is because the Russian training method focuses on moving correctly and fixes misalignments and compensations in the body. Kettlebell training also strengthens the lower back, glutes, and hamstring, and improves core stability that helps prevent lower back pain. It has been found that strength in the lower back does not prevent low back pain; it is muscular endurance that prevents that. And the fundamental kettlebell swing literally builds strength endurance in the back easily.”

Don’t judge the kettlebell by its looks. It is a mean total body workout machine that can be as fun as it is effective!

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Post me a note at mylene@goldsgym.com.ph or mylenedayrit@gmail.com.

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