OMF launches yuppie inspirational

MANILA, Philippines - If you’re looking for more meaningful gifts this Christmas for your yuppie friends and relatives, OMF Literature suggests Going Up? written by Yay Padua-Olmedo — formerly vice president for corporate communication of the San Miguel Food Group and currently corporate and marketing communication consultant — based on her 30 years of navigating through the pitfalls and high points of the corporate world.

Padua-Olmedo, who also currently holds seminars for corporations and teaches at Southville Foreign University, was commissioned by OMF to write Going Up? to help new entrants to the workplace brace themselves for its challenges, like coping with stress, fitting in, dealing with demanding bosses and work situations, credit card debt, peer pressure, and workplace temptations. Going Up? is Padua-Olmedo’s second book. Her first, Sorry to Burst Your Bubble: Life Leadership Lessons from the Greatest Dreamer, encourages young people to discover their purpose and dream, and to value integrity, as prerequisites to success.

PLDT’s senior vice president and head of Human Resources and Corporate Transformation Butch Jimenez writes in the book’s foreword:   “Yay’s book is a balance of everything. While she drives home principles, theories, and, more importantly, values that will help a person navigate through the corporate maze, she draws these principles not from textbooks but from actual experience, as she herself rose from the ranks in some of the country’s biggest companies.”

Going Up? had its soft-launch at the recent Manila International Book Fair and is available in all OMF Literature and other Christian bookstores.

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