Coming to terms with aging

MANILA, Philippines - Feeling weak and can’t run a mile anymore? Or perhaps you’ve been missing out on your favorite sport?

Studies show that busy women reach an emotional and physical stage in which they seriously take stock of their health needs. The production of Human Growth Hormones (HGH) in women begins to decline in the mid-20s and decreases approximately 14 percent per decade as changes in metabolism and body composition occur, according to Savine and Sonksen from the Department of Medicine, St. Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK.

Somatopause is a condition occasioned by the decline in the production of growth hormones, responsible for cell reproduction and regeneration, as the body ages. Contributing factors to somatopause are lack of physical activity and an unhealthy diet.

Loss in bone density, slowdown in metabolism, decreased mobility, shorter endurance, skin wrinkling, and increase in body fat are all symptoms of somatopause, and these are easily observable in women in their 30s.

One way to help arrest somatopause is through aerobic exercises. Anaerobic activities are high-intensity workouts for short periods of time.  Adults can successfully add anaerobic fitness training to their exercise program, but before engaging in these strenuous activities, it is always recommended to seek the doctor’s approval. On the other hand, aerobic exercises — sustained, low-impact exercises — can help increase HGH by 530 percent.

Gear up and get physical to help fight the signs of somatopause by supporting and strengthening your bones with Nesvita Pro-Bone Protection. It’s the only milk drink with calcilock — a special combination of known bone nutrients like calcium, magnesium (for the absorption of calcium and maintaining proper muscle function), phosphorus that supports calcium to achieve and maximize bone strengthening, zinc for stronger immune system, and vitamins C and D.

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