God made moms so kids could directly feel his caring, loving, and nourishing—Him as Lamb”— Ivan Picazo, 25
“God made moms because then nobody would teach us who God is!” — Kiana Valenciano, 17
“She was made to guide us.” — Judd Rojas, 13
“She was made to make me feel happy and safe.” — Raffy Cui, 11
“She was made for making more children and the children will be stewards of God’s creation. If there are no stewards we wouldn’t have food and medicine to live” — Thea Rojas, 10
“To make more people”—Benj Pangilinan, 8
“To take care of little boys” — Matteo Sta.Maria, 7
I’m so glad that there is such a thing as Mother’s Day. It helps us remember to appreciate and keep in mind our mothers. The bond a mother has with her children is so precious and though many hardships and misunderstandings may come in between a child and her mother, at the end of the day — a mother is a mother is a mother.
Many times I go about my day-to-day duties as a mother without being so caught up with the number of things I do for my children. It is during such times I find myself surprised and in awe of watching my children unfold to be such beautiful creations.
When my youngest son Benj steals a kiss because he wants to have something bought while making his eyes beautiful, it gives me great joy to want to give him what his little request is to make him happy. When Ella takes time to braid her sister Hannah’s hair or when my son Donny offers to give me a back rub when I come home from work, it makes me the happiest mother in the world!
There are days though when I know I crave for a little attention or a pat an the back. There are days, too, that I make myself heard and somehow hope to be appreciated. Once, I got too obvious with my need for attention that my daughter Hannah lovingly reminded me that I should never demand a “thank you.” She was right and that allowed me to get back to my senses and sigh. After all, it is much sweeter to receive attention and appreciation when unsolicited and during the most unexpected moments.
A mother’s job requires a gamut of emotional and physical involvement. There is definitely a need to draw from a bigger source so that our resources never run dry. That’s why a mother who is showered by love from different sources, whether from her God, spouse, or friends, will naturally pour out from an overflowing heart a wellspring of love for her children.
Many times, mothers neglect their wellbeing in the hope of putting her children first. When we give out too much and not keep for ourselves what makes us whole, our family suffers. We end up being a burden instead of being a blessing to them.
Our children understand clearly why we were made and let’s take our cue from them, and be the best that we can be for them as we take time to care for ourselves as well. The rewards will follow naturally.
Cheers to all the mothers! I love you Mamu, Mang and Mommy E!
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E-mail author at: mommymaricel@gmail.com