Gain the most of your child's early years

MANILA, Philippines – Ah, children! If there is one thing that is guaranteed to put a sparkle in the eye and make every parent smile, it is their children. They dote on the little ones, marvel at their various accomplishments, laugh at their exploits and talk about them untiringly. It comes as no surprise that every parent wants the very best, and will exert every effort in providing every advantage to their child. The consensus of various studies, after all, is that parents play a vital role in their child’s growth and development, and, in fact, can potentially increase their child’s intelligence quotient or IQ in the first five years of life.

How do we support growth and development? Behavioral pediatrician Lourdes “Tippy” Sumpaico Tanchanco says that good nutrition is essential. “Provide a well-balanced, varied diet with a good supply of proteins, calcium, iron, vitamins, and minerals,” she advises. However, it would be good to keep in mind that young children have small stomachs and may not be able to obtain all the energy and nutrients they need if their diet contains too much fiber. High-fiber diets can sometimes reduce the amount of minerals they can absorb, such as calcium and iron.

Add the fact that a child’s appetite usually decreases and he may become picky over the next few years as his growth rate slows, and parents may have cause to worry. The solution? Nutritionally balanced pre-school milk formulas with macronutrients and micronutrients including DHA for the brain, taurine for visual development, and choline for memory can help the preschooler’s memory, visual development, and memory functions.

 “The age two to three years is a period of egocentrism where the perspective of the child is limited to the self,” says Dr. Tanchanco. “There is inability to see the other’s point of view.” It is during this time that parents should put value in the way their children play. Play is work, and a secure child raised in a fair and loving environment where good examples are set will be a well-adjusted child who will learn to treat others as he is treated. “Provide nurturing environments that offer opportunities to imitate and practice emerging skills.”

The age of two to five years old is a period of cognitive development where the child will be able to think and reason out. It is during these years where children learn counting, colors, and letters. Play becomes more creative as they learn to imagine. “Provide a language-rich environment,” recommends Dr. Tanchanco. “By engaging in brain-stimulating activities, your child’s memory is improved and his capacity for critical thinking is sharpened. Talk to your child in sensible language and steer clear of the “baby talk.” Sound is the basis of language and you don’t want your child to be talking silly gibberish. Likewise, it might interest parents to know that introducing their children to formal musical training by age 4 can make them a stronger math and science students.

And of course, it might be wise to limit the amount of time spent on watching television and playing video games. The habit might be difficult to break and might impede schoolwork later on. Besides, you don’t want your child to be a future couch potato who will be prone to all sorts of lifestyle-related diseases.

Movement boosts levels of the growth hormone in the brain and makes better brain cells. Consequently, engaging your child in physical activities might make him smarter. However, it is always good to remember that your child learns best when happy, relaxed, stimulated, and healthy.

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Nourish your child properly with a milk that supports brain development like Gain School Advance. It has the unique Eye-Q Nutrition Triple A Advantage with Activators to help support vision and brain development, accelerators to help stimulate brain growth, and advancers to help support advance learning. To know more about Gain School Advance, call Abbott Nutrition Solutions at 995-1555 or toll-free number 1-800-10-995-1555. Or visit

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