Flu alert
The “ber” months maybe over, but the cold weather is not. That’s why this time of the year is when the flu bug often bites. Early morning chills and cold spells punctuate each day, keeping us covered up in warm, cozy clothes. Warm baths and hot drinks are staples this time of the year to keep warm. Unfortunately, the cold season also brings in unwelcome visitors like the colds and the flu viruses. And contrary to many old wives’ tales, rest is not enough to keep these maladies away.
“The cold weather brings a number of diseases that kids are especially prone to. Cold weather is perfect for certain bacteria and viruses to grow. To complicate things, kids, with their socialization patterns, poor hygiene, and carelessness, are prone to contracting these diseases. That is why it is important for parents to be aware of what these diseases are and how to prevent them,” said Dr. Phoebe Felix, a pediatrician at Healthway Medical at the Market! Market! Mall.
Knowing what these diseases are, what causes them and how to treat them could mean a summer vacation worth remembering.
• Common colds. There are millions of colds viruses. These viruses thrive in cold weather and kids are easily infected when they come in contact with kids who are already infected. Furthermore, poor hygiene and bad habits like sneezing without covering your mouth or shaking hands with an infected person can spread colds more. Also, weak body resistance is also a factor to the spread.
• Flu. This is characterized by pain in the joints, fever, and headaches caused by the flu virus. Like the common colds, it is easily spread by poor personal hygiene and habits. But unlike the common colds, it takes longer to recuperate from the flu which lasts between one and two weeks.
“While proper rest and good food help strengthen the body’s resistance to these diseases, it is important to have your kids vaccinated against these diseases. This will protect them from infection and allow them to enjoy the joys of the cold season unhampered by colds and flu,” said Dr. Denise Ramos of Healthway Medical.
Healthway Medical offers vaccines against flu, hepa A and B. Visit www.healthway.com.ph for more information about how you can protect your child this summer.