Kris Aquino chickens out for health

More and more people are becoming health-conscious these days. With the proliferation of fitness and health-oriented establishments such as gyms and spas, as well as the growing popularity of products such as food and dietary supplements, there is, without a doubt, a growing interest in leading a healthy lifestyle. However, a healthy lifestyle is entirely founded on healthy eating.

Contrary to the common misconception about healthy foods being dull and boring, a healthy and well-balanced diet can actually be exciting and appealing. Eating chicken, for one, is proof of this claim.

Chicken, aside from its many healthy benefits, is one of the most versatile meats around. The possibilities of cooking chicken dishes are endless because of the variety of formats and preparation techniques imaginable. Chicken, undeniably, is one of the more healthy and tasty food choices available.

If truth be told, Kris Aquino, popular TV host and celebrity endorser for Magnolia Chicken Station, prefers chicken above other meats. “Chicken is my favorite,” Kris reveals. “I can eat chicken every day of my life. In particular, I like either fried chicken wings or the breast. I like din yung white meat. I know Pinoys don’t, but I like it better than dark meat. Besides, it’s healthier.”

Kris also follows through on her preference for chicken by endorsing the Magnolia Chicken Station. Aside from liking Magnolia Fresh Chicken, she goes for the Magnolia Chicken Station’s convenient buffet style setup where she can just pick and choose the particular chicken cut or part she wants. “That’s what I like about the Magnolia Chicken Station, kasi you can choose the pieces. I love the lollipops and the de-boned whole chicken, super na-aliw ako, it’s so sosyal. Nakakatuwa. Super like ko din yung chicken afritada. We have that often,” says Kris, beaming.

It is also evident that when it comes to her family’s food and health, Kris only prefers one brand. “My priority is still my family. Alam naman natin na when you hear about Magnolia Chicken, assured ka na you’ll get only fresh and premium-quality chicken products, that’s why it’s only Magnolia Fresh Chicken that I trust. Aside from that, I truly believe in what I’m endorsing. We really use Magnolia Chicken Station products,” she asserts.

So, to ensure that your family lives and eats right, it’s best to follow Kris’ lead: Infuse a generous serving of chicken in your family’s diet. And to guarantee fresh, safe, healthy, and premium-quality chicken, with a variety of choice chicken cuts suited to your liking, Magnolia Chicken Station is definitely the way to go.

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