All you need is within you
“I am the creator of my own ideas, thoughts, feelings, and situations. All that I need is within me.
“But there are few more things in the self that one most probably doesn’t need. Let go of these, and there’s more room for more joy and sense of fulfillment. And a sense of plenty.”
This is one of the secret laws of abundance, which will be discussed by BK Jayanti in a public program on Nov. 10 at 7 p.m. at the Mandarin Oriental Ballroom.
BK Jayanti, a meditation practitioner and teacher for 40 years, has spoken about the subject in numerous engagements throughout the years and around the world.
Her views on this and other timely spiritual concerns have been compiled in lectures and books and recorded in audio-visual learning kits for use in seminars and workshops.
On the subject of abundance, she routinely quotes Mahatma Gandhi: “The earth provides for every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.”
To this, she adds her own insights: “We must recognize that we are creators. But we should be selective in what we create. Whatever is in my life right now, good or not so good, it’s there because I’ve given it permission to come in and stay.”
She explains, “If I am living in a clean, comfortable room, that’s because I made it that way. If the room is dusty, it’s also because I’ve allowed the dust to gather.”
This is true, BK Jayanti says, of both the physical and spiritual condition.
“This body is made up of proteins, carbohydrates, water, etc., and in order for it to survive, I have to provide it with what it needs — its own components. Similarly, I, the being within the costume of the body, need love, joy, and peace — the things I am composed of, without which I become harsh, bitter, and joyless.”
How to do both? BK Jayanti unlocks the treasure store during the program “The Secret Laws of Abundance.”
Call 890-7960 (ask for Vicky).