The Diabetes Club of Dra. Milagros Gomez based at Clinica Manila in SM-Mega

Mall will celebrate their 6th Anniversary at Club Filipino, Eisenhower St.,San Juan, Metro Manila on Sunday, 07 August 2005 from 2:00 to 5:00 PM.

A diabetes specialist has been invited to grace the occasion and speak on a topic of concern for diabetics. Basic daily exercise routines will be demonstrated by the exercise team of Novo Nordisk and participated in by the attendees to help diabetics develop a healthy but safe activity everyday. Raffle prizes will spice the event.

Dra. Gomez started this non-profit club for the purpose of educating diabetic patients to understand better the nature of their illness and how they can help prevent or delay the occurrence of diabetes, together with their other family members, and even friends. The club also provides moral support to its members who to-date total 300 active members.

According to the 2000 WHO statistical estimates, there are approximately 171 million people diagnosed with diabetes worldwide, and that number is expected to rise to 366 million by the year 2030. In the Philippines, there are approximately 7.1 million Filipinos who are diabetic and almost half of them don't know it! This number is expected to double by the year 2030.

Every 30 seconds a leg is lost to diabetes somewhere in the world. In fact,up to 70% of all leg amputations happen to people with diabetes.

The life expectancy of the diabetic is shortened by one third; however, the sooner diabetes is detected, the sooner lifestyle changes can begin, thus increasing life expectancy to a large degree. This insidious disease is the third leading killer in this country behind heart disease and cancer. The key to managing diabetes (one can only hope to "manage" diabetes as there is no cure), is Early Detection (with continuing qualified medical supervision) followed by sensible DIET and EXERCISE programs.

Diabetes is so complex and so demanding that proper education becomes an important and integral part of diabetes treatment, a crusade which Dra.Gomez has dedicatedly pursued through all these years for her patients and non-patients alike who have discovered the benefits of being a member of her Diabetes Club.

For inquiries, you may contact the Secretariat Office at Tel. Nos. 564-2148 or 562-6842.

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