All homework and no play
October 14, 2003 | 12:00am

For weeks, I tackled the task of tutoring my kids. I made a schedule and a plan of action but somehow, every time I would sit with them, I leave the study area super exhausted and on the verge of anger. I have to admit it depressed me quite a bit. For a while, I dreaded doing homework with my kids until one day, my kids school administrator, Teacher Fe (Guhico), asked me how I was doing with the kids homework. I told her I realized that more than anything, what is needed is discipline from us parents to make sure the children get used to a certain routine when it comes to studying and to see it as a joy to do rather than a chore to complete. She reminded me just this, "Mrs. Pangilinan, remember learning styles." She reminded me to honor my childrens learning styles and it will pave the way to happier study times together. I thanked her and breathed a sigh of relief because I needed encouragement that day. It was then that I recalled the different hints my children were dropping during our times of studying.
Ella, for example, would request for breaks after in-between lessons. When I would prompt her to continue instead of taking a break, she would have a fit, which more often than not leads to an argument. Donny would hum a tune while writing and Hannah would go on and on and not leave her chair until she runs out of pages to do in her workbook. I must confess that many times, I forced my learning style on my kids. I preferred that they sat still and finished their work so we could cover more ground. Since Teacher Fe reminded me to consider learning styles, I have been more relaxed and flexible with my children when it comes to homework. Ive discovered that we worked faster when those styles are given importance. Every time I would stop to give Ella her break, Id throw in some tickling moments, which were times when she would start sharing what happened during the day, and just laughing together helped me de-stress. What a blessing! Once, I played an instrumental CD while Donny was studying and we danced in between his work. We had so much fun that every time I play that tune on the CD player, he gives me a certain look which confirms the fond memories he has when that certain music is played. Ive decided that with Hannah, I should be prepared to sit with her and be armed with extra time and patience so that I can be an inspiration to her while she finds more exercises to complete. I am not saying I have completely overcome this hurdle, but I will definitely keep in mind the blessings hidden in just a simple reminder on learning styles when it comes to homework. Hope you will, too. By the way, if you have some tips regarding this issue, wow, I would love to know about it. Perhaps there is still more we all can learn from.
Heres a checklist for discovering your childs learning strengths (Taken from the book Unlocking Your Childs Learning Potential by Cheri Fuller):
Dad: We all do. We all have colds now eh.
Donny: My phlegm is up to here ( pointing to his stomach).
Hannah: (With pride) My phlegm is up to my feet!
E-mail author at mommytalk@business
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