Wanted: Big hearts to save little Miguel’s life

My dear readers,

I got this letter via e-mail. Kindly read it as it is an urgent request for help. Let’s do whatever we can to help Miguel and his family.



Our only son Miguel, two years and nine months old, needs a liver transplant in three months. He was born with a congenital condition called biliary atresia and he has been battling complications related to his disease since he was two months old.

At night, we pray together so that God will make his big "tum tum" go away. He especially wants that there be "no more jeksyon ... mama ... ayaw jeksyon ... mama" meaning his much feared injections.

Still, Miguel remains a fighter.  He has been very brave despite the treatments, medications, injections and the initial operation that was done when he was only one-and-a-half months old. He always has a ready smile when my husband and I come home from work. He excitedly calls me to bed so I can tell him his favorite stories about the beach and the fish.

He especially loves to look at pictures of elephants with "big ears" and birds with "big eyes." Lately, as if telling me everything would be all right, he sleeps with his hand on my face after we sing our nightly duet of "Twinkle, twinkle little star." There are more songs we want to sing together and so much more stories I want to tell him, especially the story of people with "big hearts" who saved a little boy’s life.  It’s a story that remains to be told. Join me in sharing this with my son. Please give him a chance to live.

Help us raise the money because we cannot afford the life-saving liver transplant that he needs which will cost millions. Assist us in getting in touch with foundations and philanthropists who would be willing to give financial aid. And of course, most importantly, we ask for you to please pray that his big "tum-tum" will go away and that he will be strong enough to wait and remain stable until we can afford a liver transplant.

Thank you.


Cel phone no. 917-8961774

Home no. 934-0871 or 948-2372
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When Trusted Helpers Cheat
Dear Maricel,

I found out today that my long-time helpers (three of them) have been cheating me. Whenever I ask them to buy diesel for my truck, they buy only P300 worth of diesel instead of the full amount of P500. This makes me cry not only because of the money lost but more because of the trust I’ve given them.

My brother advised me to just take it easy and just talk to them. I am planning to have the incident police-blottered. Please tell me what to do.


Dear Charlene,

I’m sorry to hear that your helpers cheated you. Perhaps you could also learn from this experience by making sure you ask for the receipt after they buy gas for your truck. Your brother has a point in advising you to talk to them first and find out the whole story. Maybe after you talk to them, you may be able to gauge if there’s a need to bring the matter to the police. Proceed with caution and care as you are dealing with people whom you have trusted and built a relationship with already. This may be a good time also to forgive, and if you see that they are truly repentant, maybe you could give them another chance. If you sense that trust is indeed lost, then letting them go might be the best option. Hope that helps.

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Wanted: Teen Support Group
Dear Mrs. Pangilinan,

I am a 43-year-old female single professional who stands as guardian for my 15-year-old niece and I am seeking a support group that may perhaps address my concerns about handling teenagers during this delicate (and tumultuous) period of their lives. As much as I admit to lacking knowledge in parenting skills, I also admit to having difficulty handling the emotional stresses that come with this age (hers as well as mine! AGE, I mean). Don’t get me wrong though, my niece seems well-adjusted but I find difficulty in this area. Since I have committed myself to raising her, I find that I have less time for myself and so will have to prioritize the more important aspects of my life. Keeping a good mental attitude is, to me, key to sustaining my full support for her development.

I would be most happy if you could refer me to any support group of such a kind as I am looking for.

Thank you and more power.

Elaine N.

P.S. I live around the Katipunan Road area (near Ateneo and Miriam)


Would anyone know a support group that could help Elaine? Kindly e-mail your thoughts at mommytalk@businessworks. com.ph


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