Love will find a way

We had barely been able to relax from the busyness of the Christmas season when my husband Anthony and I decided to take a trip to Europe. Everybody called us crazy because they anticipated the cold winter weather to welcome us and some even feared that the war might break out, get us stuck and prevent us from coming home. Deep in our heart of hearts though, we knew we had to go.

Every year, we try to have some extended time alone to just be together, discover what God’s agenda is for us and allow each other’s love to grow. We were sure the trip was something we needed to strengthen our marriage. This year, we decided to go to Europe because we also wanted to bond with Anthony’s sister Nenette and her husband Boogi. Since they got married five years ago, they’ve lived in Hamburg where Boogi was born and raised. Together, they run a furniture retail/wholesale store.

Our trip took us to Amsterdam, Paris and Hamburg. It’s the longest time we’ve been away from the children. While we were blessed to have our family members and friends to stay with our children, we still couldn’t help but call every so often to check on how they were doing. There were times when I broke down in tears after receiving a text that my daughter Hannah wouldn’t eat unless I fed her. After talking to Donny once, I longed to embrace him when he narrated that opening his eyes one day and realizing we weren’t home, his tears started to roll down again and again and again. Ella would constantly text and call to ask how many more sleeps before we were to come home. Benjamin, being so young, cannot fully express himself yet but I knew he missed us very much as well. It was difficult not to think about not being with our children, but I knew I had to be alone with my husband. In the end, it would be good for the children that their parents love each other.
On Connecting
Every time people ask me about our trip, the sights and tourist spots don’t stand out in my memory. Of course, Europe was just awesome! When I think of Europe though, I remember connecting. I cherish those hours spent in deep conversation while dining in different restaurants, whether alone with Anthony or in the company of my in-laws. I felt so privileged to have the chance to be alone with my husband for an extended period of time to wrestle with issues about our differences, married life, children, hopes, and dreams, or just laugh about the simple pleasures of life or each other’s bloopers etc. There were moments of disagreement but both Anthony and I believe that we’ve reached a deeper level of relating as we commit to live with each other’s imperfections and continue to desire what we hope our spouse could be in the future.
Discovering People
Our trip was about people. I was truly touched by Nenette and Boogi’s graciousness. They dropped all their schedules just to be with us. They welcomed us in their home and prepared sumptuous meals for us. We had the chance to meet precious people in Boogi’s family like his mom Berta (whose house was full of ornaments – each with its own story to tell), his sister Cathrine (a passionately dedicated homemaker and mother who cooks up great meals, and is an expert in dolling up her kids in costume). She’s married to Diether who hand glides and makes furniture from scratch. They have two beautiful daughters – Stephanie, 14, and Caroline, 12, who are both very active in sports and were very patient in teaching us how to speak German. We shared many laughs, also with their dog Linus. Anthony had the chance to run with Stephanie (who’s the second best runner in Hamburg) to prove he has not lost his form and strength (being a marathon runner once upon a time) in running. It was a great bonding experience but it knocked him out as they ran in -5 degrees! We also met Boogi and Nenette’s landlord, an 83-year-old woman who is full of life, and their close circle of friends who joined us for a small despedida party before our departure. They are all beautiful people who are unique and special. What a joy to have known them.
Falling In Love
Yes, I fell in love all over again. Anthony and I are entering our 10th year this year, and we have gone through many trials and triumphs together. Many times though, the busyness of life and the many concerns that we have make us unaware of the little things that matter. During our time together, God allowed me to rediscover why I fell in love with Anthony. That made a big difference because I began to rejoice at the thought of actually spending the rest of my life with someone who remains to be the biggest love of my life (next to God, of course), complete with the good, the bad and the ugly things about him that I have also discovered through the years. He remains to be someone I am thrilled to be married to.
Back Home – To Reality
On our way home, our plane was delayed in Hamburg because no one could fly to Amsterdam (our next stop before Manila). It was snowing heavily there.

When we finally got to Amsterdam, we raced to the gate hoping we could make it in time for our connecting flight. Whew, what a relief that we made it, only to find ourselves delayed again for another two hours because the plane had to be de-iced! When the pilot finally announced our departure and the plane was moving towards the runway, he decided to stop, apologized to us and announced that he was going back to have the plane de-iced again because the first attempt was not done right. Hay, buhay. Nakakanerbiyos! I felt safe having a pilot who was humble to us and did not risk our lives.

Upon our arrival, we realized (after an hour of waiting for our luggage to come out of the bin) that our bags were left behind in Amsterdam! Nge! Another hour was used to settle where to deliver, etc. and try to console our kids who were getting sleepy, restless, excited and impatient na in the car. We got home safe and met with our kids before they dozed off. Sad nga lang that they didn’t have pasalubong.

The next morning, when Donny found out that the space shuttle exploded, he said, "Mom, their babies won’t see them anymore"? I told him "yes." He said, "Praise God na lang, at least they’re with their yayas." I was amazed by his response. So many things could have prevented us from coming back home safely too, but God intervened. Donny chose to see the blessing behind the space shuttle tragedy. He probably pictured himself in the same situation but didn’t choose to be in fear. Thank you all for the love, time and attention given to our kids when we were away. I know Donny said that because he felt loved and cared for during our absence. I’m thankful to God for yayas also who invested love in our kids.
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