Hair Loss? Now You Can Do Something About It!

Male pattern hair loss (MPHL), or androgenetic alopecia, is the most common type of hair loss in men, affecting about 40% of men by age 40 and about 50% by age 50. This condition begins to occur in some men in their early twenties.

Male pattern hair loss is generally influenced by heredity. A man can inherit this trait from his mother's or his father's side of the family. If you are genetically programmed to lose your hair and you do nothing about your hair loss, there is little chance of keeping your hair over the long term.

Other types of hair loss are often temporary and caused by a range of factors. These may include: the stress of an illness or major surgery; medications such as chemotherapy, blood thinners, excessive doses of vitamin A, and antidepressants; and diseases such as diabetes.

What causes male pattern hair loss?

Hair grows continuously for 2 to 4 years, on average about 1 cm each month, and then stops growing for 2 to 4 weeks. After that time the hair falls out. Normally, about 100 hairs are shed each day.

Since the hair cycle is a very slow process, any treatment for hair loss requires time for benefits to be seen.

Men with MPHL have increased levels of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) in the scalp. DHT contributes to the shortening of the growth phase and thinning of the hair; the normal hair growth cycle is disrupted, and men shed more than the average number of hairs per day.

Psychology of hair loss

MPHL can have a serious psychological impact. Studies have shown that hair loss can be associated with low self-esteem/depression, introversion and feelings of unattractiveness.

Men with MPHL may be viewed negatively by others. Some studies have shown that based on appearance alone, compared with men full heads of hair, men with hair loss may be seen as less attractive, less assertive, less likable and less successful.

NOW you can do something about male pattern hair loss

Research indicates that by reducing the amount of DHT, further hair loss can be prevented, and in some men hair can be regrown. As a result of these findings, doctors and scientists have developed a new treatment.

Today, there are more options than ever before for the treatment of male pattern hair loss. A new treatment option for MPHL is PROPECIA (finasteride 1mg). Finasteride is a specific inhibitor of Type II 5-alpha reductase, an enzyme involved in the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which plays a major role in male pattern hair loss.

Men seeking additional information about hair loss and PROPECIA should consult a dermatologist. Only a doctor can recommend the best treatment for your condition.

Dr. Jay P. Nuñez is a fellow of the Philippine Dermatological Society.

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