Healing whole (Part 2)

A True Story
Liza Jane is a career government officer. She was a young widow with two young kids to support. As if a major stressor such as losing a husband was not enough, her job was also a place where she waged an endless "battle" with Middle East businessmen as she played her role of protecting our maltreated OCWs. Her life was filled with anger, she confessed.

The cracks made by the stress in her life, compounded with a wild swinging pendulum of extreme eating patterns – of not eating on time and eating in endless cocktails and buffet parties – were about to show a major crack. She knew her life was not in balance. So it did not come as a real surprise to her that in December 1995 she was diagnosed with two tumors – one in her liver and one in her colon.

Feisty as she was, she went to four hospitals and obtained various medical opinions. Diagnosis remained constant. She had cancer and surgery and chemotherapy were prescribed. She was scheduled for surgery on Dec. 26, 1995. She cancelled last minute and opted for holistic treatment.

She made a frantic survey of her holistic treatment options before that major decision. Having heard positive and encouraging feedback about Dr. Arabia, she decided to entrust her case to his Center for Homeopathy and Wholistic Health in Quezon City.

After immersing herself like a sponge in the study of how she should go about her therapy, she decided that it was a full-time job. She took an indefinite leave of absence from work to concentrate on her healing. She testified that her strong will to live was born of the fact that she was the only living parent of her two young children.

Liza Jane faithfully followed the coffee enemas and the prescribed nutrition therapy based on organic plants sans salt and oil. She also applied the meditation techniques she learned from Dr. Arabia. She firmly believed and accepted Dr. Arabia’s encouraging words that each of us has the gift to heal each cell in our body. She prayed incessantly and visualized that rays of white light radiate from Jesus Christ to her body to heal her tumors.

She did not deny that it was a rigid regimen and that at times she wanted to give up. In moments of weakness, she called on cancer survivors and Dr. Arabia for support. With deep commitment to the program, a strong will to live for her children, and her steadfast faith, she did not once veer away from the therapy for three months. After that, it was time to check if any progress was made, Dr. Arabia said.

Miraculously, no tumor was found in her liver! The doctors did the test four times in disbelief. Not one but both tumors disappeared. The cancer had been the wake-up call she needed for her to re-assess her life. She is now based in Canada and is still an active proponent of Healing Partners Foundation, a cancer-support group established by three cancer survivors.

Her lifestyle is not as rigid as those three months she spent away from work and devoted to healing herself. But Liza Jane has maintained her active faith and daily meditation. She avoids red meat, occasionally eats fish, and enjoys a lot of fruits and vegetables.
Real or Fluke?
Sitting amid the cancer patients who perked up with hope at Liza Jane’s testimonial (liver cancer is infamously a fast-killer – with Chiquito and Babalu surviving for only a month after their diagnosis), I was amazed that Dr. Arabia doused water on the blazing hope by saying that any of the following may have been possible: Liza Jane never had the tumors (the hospital made a mistake), Liza Jane was diagnosed early enough and a cure took place, she was granted a miracle.

Atty. Bong took the front stage next. He related that he had a stiff neck in 1994 that did not go away. Shortly after that he felt a lump on his left collarbone. Diagnosis: non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, stage III. He left his job and family to avail of what he believed was a advanced medical treatment in the United States. He subjected himself to radiation for seven months. After one year, the cancer recurred.

Since the first conventional approach failed him, he decided to give holistic and alternative treatment a try. That was also six years ago. Today, both Atty. Bong and Liza Jane are vibrant, full of life and energy.

When we are sick, we easily give up and let the sickness or others take charge of our lives. We are broken and have to be made whole. But what is really important is that we take charge. Liza Jane and Atty. Bong studied their options and made their choice. If our attempt to heal our broken selves does not end in a prolonged life, the choice to heal ourselves – mind, body, spirit – still would have served a beautiful purpose. It will prepare us for the ultimate whole-ness of being finally at rest in our eternal home.
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You can reach Dr. Omar Arabia through arabiamedicalclinic@edsamail.com.ph or by calling 426-63-63. His clinic is at #20 Collantes St, Xavierville Village, QC.

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