Who upstaged Samantha in Sex and The City?

Mercedes-Benz released a short interview with Kim Cattrall, who plays Samantha Jones in Sex and the City. The excerpt is from an interview at the Laureus World Sports Award 2008 in the US.

INTERVIEWER: Kim, I heard that in the new Sex and the City movie there’s going to be a Mercedes involved that nobody has seen yet.

KIM CATTRALL: Yes, when we were filming with my co-star — it was the GLK Mercedes SUV — there were so many photographers in Beverly Hills and there have been very many photographers in New York. When we were filming, I thought, there’s all these photographers, I felt so proud and happy. But they weren’t interested in me, they were interested in the new Mercedes GLK. They were all trying to photograph the dashboard, which was completely new, so they would have the first photograph it. I was upstaged by the Mercedes car (laughs).

Do you drive a Mercedes in your private life?

I just ordered an SL. I’ve had a romantic love affair with a Mercedes for a very long time, especially when I was a struggling actress — but now I am so happy that I am successful enough to own one myself.

And what is it in the Mercedes that you like so much — is it because of the style, or is it the technical details?

You know, I think that the Mercedes is made by very, very smart, passionate people. I’ve been playing this very passionate character for a very long time. I think it goes very well, hand-in-hand with me as a person and with me as an actor. I also like something that has that steel around me — I feel very, very safe in it. I live in New York where we have a lot of weather conditions. It’s not like sunny California. So I put a lot of demands on the car I drive. I feel very happy and safe.

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From www.carscoop.blogspot.com

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