Biggest Loser coach and C-Lium ambassador shares weight-loss secrets

MANILA, Philippines - Are you still beating your body to the ground with exercise in your desire to lose weight? If you’re one of these people, be prepared to embrace a different perspective on how to shed those extra pounds.

“A lot of attention is focused on exercise. This is a mistake that everyone easily falls for because exercising is a very visual medium for fitness,” says Jim Saret, C-Lium Fibre brand ambassador and one of the country’s top fitness trainers.

Hard to believe for many, especially if it’s coming from a highly-respected health coach who has helped many overweight Filipinos get back into healthy shape. But Coach Jim draws on scientific basis to buck this misconception.

Having pursued sports medicine at Brigham Young University in the US and after investing time academically to study the science of health and fitness, Coach Jim explains that achieving your ideal weight takes more than just picking up the dumbbells and hitting the treadmill.

“If you want to be truly successful in being fit and losing weight, the key is a combination of motivation, nutrition and exercise,” he says.

Coach Jim also insists upon the benefits of starting an active and healthy lifestyle at a younger age. “Starting young gives your body the chance to prepare itself better, before it is attacked by lifestyle diseases with the onset of (old) age.”

He further notes that including fiber, such as C-Lium, in one’s daily diet is essential to functioning optimally. “Because of all the bad food choices easily available everywhere, it is essential for us to take enough fiber in order to help wash out bad food elements and keep our digestive system functioning properly. C-lium Fibre is one product I use and recommend because it is natural,  has no chemicals and preservatives and contains up to 14 times more fiber than oatmeal or cereals,” he explains. 

Several studies show that dietary fiber aids in reducing the risk of coronary heart diseases, helps in effective weight management and  keeps blood sugar to a healthy level. Furthermore, fiber is especially important for athletes like Coach Jim, since it improves digestion, a vital factor in the absorption of nutrients needed to be in top shape for alll those grueling and intense actiivities.

“My biggest responsibility as a trainer or coach is to inspire, educate and motivate millions of Filipinos all over the world to become fitter, stronger and healthier.  I inspire them by showing them it’s possible.”

Coach Jim shares this fitness mantra and training program through his personal advocacy called FITFIL (Fit Filipinos). “I started the FITFIL Movement two years ago. Being the trainer of the Biggest Loser Philippines, a lot of Filipinos were always sending me messages, tweets and emails asking me to help them lose weight, get fitter and healthier. Since that was what I was doing for all the PBA teams and national athletes whom I trained, I decided to share my training programs with the ‘man on the street.’ I want to help Filipinos become FIT Filipinos.”

Available in husk and capsule formats, C-Lium Fibre is easy to drink and can be taken with one’s favorite food and drinks.



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