WATCH: Yu Sheng Prosperity Toss for good fortune in Year of Wooden Dragon

MANILA, Philippines — The Prosperity Toss of the Yu Sheng dish is one of the many culinary traditions observed during Chinese New Year in hopes of bringing in good fortune.
The Yu Sheng or Lo Hei dish has base ingredients of fish (which can be replaced by soy "fish" for vegetarians), shredded vegetables and a variety of sauces.
The literal translation of Yu Sheng in English is "raw fish," and since "fish" is often merged with its homophone meaning "abundance," the dish has grown to become a symbol for increased abundance, vigor and prosperity.
Even the ingredients have their own meaning, like fish for abundance, carrots for good luck, white radish for prosperity at work and oil for increased profit.
Once all ingredients have been gathered, they are literally "tossed" using chopsticks.
Each person should audibly say their wishes for the year to come — or simply say "Lo Hei," which means "scoop up" — and the higher the ingredients are tossed, the higher chances fortunes will come their way.
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