Philippines’ food and beverage industry on spotlight at British Chamber event

(As released) The Philippines is one of the active and fastest growing food and beverage markets for their brands, says the two successful British Food and Beverage manufacturers.
In a recently concluded webinar, the British Chamber of Commerce Philippines invited two UK companies—The Berry Company and Tayto Group—to share their success stories and give their insights on finding the right distributing partners and market for food and beverage products.
Facilitating the open forum, the Chamber’s Executive Director and Trustee Chris Nelson asked for the speakers to share their insights as well on the Philippines’ initiatives to open up their economy to foreign investors, as well as the country’s membership to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).
Tayto Group’s Robin Wall mentioned how finding a distributor that treated their products as their own was crucial to their success in the Philippines. The Berry Company’s Khaled El-Yafi chimed in and agreed on Wall’s comments, adding that the Philippines becoming one of the best markets for their products was a welcome surprise.
Nelson also commented that the Philippine market continues to offer great opportunities for foreign investors, especially now that economic foreign entry barriers are being lowered. The benefits that would entail the Philippines’ official membership to RCEP were also briefly discussed, with
emphasis on how allowing foreign investors to enter the country would boost growth and development in key industry sectors.
The Chamber continues to be at the forefront of advocates for the ratification of the Philippines’ membership to RCEP, adamant that it offers several opportunities for all industry sectors. The Chamber remains optimistic that the Senate will reach concurrence once it returns into session in May 2022.
As the Chamber leads the calls for liberalizing the Philippine economy, the Chamber will continue to host timely and informative webinars along with continuing its work in assisting UK companies on finding the best partners for their products in the Philippines. — As released
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