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'Japanese Wave': Popular Japanese snacks now available in the Philippines |

Food and Leisure

'Japanese Wave': Popular Japanese snacks now available in the Philippines

Marane A. Plaza -
'Japanese Wave': Popular Japanese snacks now available in the Philippines
The cool news is some of the top Japanese snacks that fans totally adore have landed in Manila! Check out these yummy treats.
Photo release

MANILA, Philippines — It is easy to see why the Japanese pop culture has had a strong following of obsessed fans. The right amount of quirkiness, even in their snacks, is just too cute.

Some patrons would go as far as traveling to the "Land of the Rising Sun" just to stock up on some favorite Japanese treats.

The cool news is some of the top Japanese snacks that fans totally adore have landed in Manila! Check out these yummy treats:


Cheeza brand crackers have been around for ages, and one of the best things about it is that they are 52% cheese. These triangular cheese crackers are easily a popular Japanese snack that Jap culture fans love to stock up on.

In Manila, Cheeza comes in flavors like Raw Cheese and Camembert.


For a healthier yet delicious option, Senbei rice crackers are a must-try. These treats are like biscuits with a mild salty flavor with a sugary frosting top. 

Strong Zero

Have you seen those colorful cans of alcoholic beverages in convenience stores? Aren't they cute? 

One of the top faves among them is Strong Zero. Each can contains delicious fruit flavours like lemon, lime, grapefruit and more. You don't taste the alcohol as much, so you could go on drinking it without realising it's an alcoholic mixed drink. 

Strong Zero oftenly gets mistaken for a type of beer, but it is actually "chu-hi" or a shortened name for shochu highball.

Chu-Hi is an alcoholic drink originating from Japan made with barley and carbonated water flavored with lemon, resulting to a fruity, sweeter alcohol mix.

Stong Zero has definitely started the "chu-hi wave" in the Philippines. 

Haroyo Peach

Haroyo Peach is another popular chu-hi drink loved by patrons for its quirky can design, and of course, its delish, refreshing taste! It has a measly amount of alcohol content, too.

These Jap treats are accessible across all FamilyMart stores in the Philippines. 

“We are so glad to add more Japanese treats to our stores, especially nowadays when travel is still limited. As a brand that originated in Japan, it’s only proper that we finally bring in these favorites so that we can delight more Filipinos amid these trying times,” shared FamilyMart General Manager Celina Matias.

The local franchise of the convenience store chain from Japan opened the new year by stocking its shelves with new products that Filipinos only used to enjoy when visiting Japan.

Matias added, “We’re staying true to the brand’s Japanese heritage, and introducing to the local market close to a hundred new items in February, so watch out for that!”

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