Are you making the right food choices?

MANILA, Philippines -Perhaps no other food in the supermarket merits more importance to a mom than milk for her school-age kids. Milk is a vital source of calcium and moms know that growing kids, teens and adults have different daily requirements for bone and muscle strengthening.

For calcium to be absorbed and used optimally by the body, you need the presence of Vitamin D.  A combined nutrient called Calci-N is found in milk specifically for school age kids. It’s a significant source of calcium and vitamin D that effectively promotes their absorption by the body and translates to increased bone mineral density. Another potent blend of vitamin B complex and micronutrients found in chocolate milk powder is Actigen-E, which works hard in tandem with what children eat so that the protein, carbohydrates and fat that they consume can optimally release their energy for muscle use.  The chocolate drink also supplies its own energy to the body through its special blend of carbohydrates called Protomalt.

Not to forget that even mom and dad need their daily calcium intake to keep their bones strong, too. For bone strengthening to keep osteoporosis at bay, there’s the adult nutrient version called CalciLock whose mix of calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and vitamin C all work to help strengthen and retain calcium in the bones longer.

One of the more unique nutrients found in non-fat milk is the plant-based Acticol that works in managing cholesterol for a healthier heart.

These nutrient labels are what Nestle calls their Branded Active Benefits that have been formulated to specifically provide proven enhanced nutrition to its major food and beverage line. Calci-N is found in Chuckie and Nido 5+, Actigen-E and Protomalt are in Milo, CalciLock in Nesvita Pro-Bone Low-fat Milk, Acticol in Nesvita Pro-Heart and Actifibras in Acti-V yogurt.

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