Lunchbox surprise

MANILA, Philippines -  Kids look forward to school days not only for the lessons to be learned, but also knowing that they will not miss out on Mom’s yummy treats.

To perk them up, plan your child’s baon with unique, creative, and practical ideas from San Miguel My Great Food Club.



1 k.   potatoes

2 tsps.     salt

2 tbsps. Magnolia Gold Butter, melted

2 pcs.      egg yolk

1/4 tsp. nutmeg

1/2 cup Baron all-purpose flour

1 cup      Purefoods Luncheon Meat, chopped

1/4 cup chives or spring onions, chopped extra Baron all-pur pose flour for dusting

Magnolia Gold Butter for pan-frying


Boil potatoes until tender. Peel off skin and mash. Add salt, butter, egg yolk, nutmeg, and flour. Mix lightly. Add luncheon meat and chives. Mix to distribute evenly. Form mixture into a log and refrigerate for at least 15 minutes. Cut into one-inch rounds and with the back of a spoon, make slight criss-cross indentations on one side of the potato cake. Refrigerate for another 15 minutes then pan-fry in butter. Cook over moderate heat until golden.

Makes 16 pieces.

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