A call to serve

The Rotary Club of Cebu, a consistent recipient of various service awards and citations, is the embodiment of the Rotary ideal of service since it  was chartered in 1932.

Recently the organization celebrated its 78th induction of officers with an elegant affair at the Marriott Hotel. The event brought together members, spouses and guests as the leadership of the club changed hands in traditional decorum.

The evening began with cocktails at the foyer followed by a sit-down dinner at the grand ballroom. The program started with a doxology and National Anthem performed by the angelic voices of the Toledo Children’s Choir.

Newly elected councilor Margot Osmeña inducted the new set of officers for the year 2010-2011. They are Jose Soberano III, president; Roy Lotzof, vice president; Bernard Sia, secretary; and Edward Onglatco, treasurer. The board will be assisted by directors, Robin Ong, Edward Gonzalez, Jensen Go Chow, Manuel de Veyra, Shigejiro Onda and George Chan.

After being presented with the Rotary gavel and presidential pin, Soberano, in his acceptance speech, welcomed the new Rotarians and expounded on their role of bringing out   the best in themselves as they try toemulate the high ethical standards of their chosen vocation and help build goodwill  and fairness  among fellow Rotarians and the community.

Other new members were inducted after the time-honored ritual of charging executed by director Ong. They included Franz Herbich, Allan Patrimonio, Fred Mercado, Mike Torres, Joel Jacobson, Pet Dakay, Javier Sala and Armin Raquel Santos.

Highlight of the evening was the message of the club’s guest of honor and keynote speaker former Chief Justice Hilario Davide Jr.

In his well-received speech, Davide Jr. extolled on the importance of the Rotary’s Four-Way Test of the things we think, say or do.   The simple but timeless and universal test emphasizes truth, fairness, goodwill and friendship  is more applicable and essential today than at any other   time in our history, Davide added.

The club has been an active partner of government projects that uplift the lives of the underprivileged by sharing their time, skills and resources to provide basic needs, medical assistance and education.

The 78th induction of officers of the second oldest club in the Philippines was a reassurance that the Rotary Club of Cebu continues to live and grow in the hands of capable, enthusiastic and dedicated leaders who will relentlessly pursue the high ideals and goals of Rotary. 

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