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How to cook stuffed turkey |

Food and Leisure

How to cook stuffed turkey

EAT’S EASY - Ernest Reynoso Gala -

“What is patriotism but the love of the food one ate as a child?” — Lin Yutang

It’s Thanksgiving once again, and what better way to celebrate this holiday then by having turkey? The famous bird can grow up to 10 kilos or 22 pounds and people love to eat it for its rich flavor and juicy texture. Renowned for being the highlight of Thanksgiving dinner in the United States, roasting turkey is important and should be done properly. Here are some simple tips that can help you impress your family and friends.

• When buying turkey from the supermarket, it should have no bruising or blemishes on the skin. The tip of the wings should not be discolored and have no foul smell. When storing in the refrigerator, remove from the plastic and cover loosely in a bag insuring that the air inside can circulate. Turkey should not be kept in the refrigerator for too long. If within 48 hours you are not ready to cook it yet, transfer and store in the freezer. Turkey, like chicken, will last one month in the freezer.

• As in chicken, the thawing procedure is the same for turkey. The first method is to take it out of the freezer and dip it in a bowl of cold water. Leave for an hour, after which you check. If it is still frozen, replace the water, leave for another hour and continue this process until it is properly thawed out.

The second method is simply transferring it from the freezer to the refrigerator and letting it thaw. The size will determine the length of time in the refrigerator. Two kilos will take 12 to 24 hours or one day, three kilos will take 36 hours, four kilos or more will take 48 hours.

The third way is by defrosting it in a microwave, though a lot of the flavor would be lost as the juices inside would dry up. Thaw eight minutes per kilo.

• After thawing, it is important to remove the tip of the wings with a knife or scissors. Chefs discard this part to ensure the food is not contaminated and is safe. The neck is removed and can be used to make stock or soup. The top part of the ass should be taken out with a knife, and the turkey washed well under running water to remove dirt and any deposits that can spoil its taste. Some chefs remove the fat, but I like to keep some of it because this gives good flavor and keeps the meat moist.

• When preparing, it is important to put the stuffing because this adds flavor and keeps the meat of the turkey moist. Push the stuffing in the cavity area and secret pockets, meaning the flap located between the skin and fat, near the cavity. Tie the legs well, so that the stuffing does not ooze out. Rubbing butter or vegetable oil around it also ensures a juicy meat and a nice golden brown color.

One technique I learned from my mom is adding one package of bacon on top of the turkey to give it flavor and ensure that the meat will not dry out. After one hour, remove the bacon and cover the top of turkey with foil. Continue cooking for two more hours. The foil will prevent the outside part from being too dark. The bacon bits are then crushed and added to the gravy.      

• The time of roasting depends on the size of the bird. Three to four kilos will take three-and-a-half to four hours at 400°F or 200°C. Four-and-a-half to five kilos will take four-and-a-half to five hours. Anything beyond five kilos will take more then five hours.

To accurately cook it, use an Instaread meat thermometer and check away from the bone the inside temperature. If it reads 170°F, then it is perfect.

• After roasting, collect drippings from pan and add to gravy for a great tasting sauce.

• To carve properly, cut the legs and wings away and set aside. Scoop out stuffing from the cavity area. Slice thinly the meat parallel to the breastbone (pahilis). Place on a plate; add stuffing and gravy on the side.

• When storing leftover turkey, cool first and separate the stuffing from the meat. Place in separate containers and refrigerate. If after three days it has not been consumed, transfer to freezer. Cooked turkey and stuffing can be kept for a month in the freezer. Leftover meat is excellent for sandwiches and may be used in salads or pastas.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Roast Stuffed Turkey or Chicken

3 kilos (6.6 pounds) turkey

1 tablespoon liquid seasoning

1 teaspoon pepper

250 grams honeycured bacon strips

For the stuffing:

1/4 cup cooking oil

1 cup chopped white onion

1 cup chopped celery

1 cup chopped carrots

1 cup raisins

1 cup chopped chorizo de Bilbao

1 cup red bell peppers

1 500-gram (2 cups) Magnolia chicken giniling

4 cups bread cubes soaked in 1 cup fresh milk

1 cup grated Quickmelt cheese

1 tablespoon rock salt

1 teaspoon pepper

4 eggs

For the gravy:

turkey drippings chopped cooked bacon

2 chicken cubes

3/4 cup all-purpose flour

1/4 cup liver spread

5 cups water

1 cup Hunt’s tomato sauce

1 teaspoon liquid seasoning

1 teaspoon rock salt

1 teaspoon pepper


Wash the turkey and pat dry. Rub with the liquid seasoning and pepper.

For the stuffing:

Squeeze the milk out of the bread cubes.

In a deep sauté (frying) pan, add oil. When hot, cook onions until translucent. Add celery, carrots, raisins, chorizo, bell pepper, and ground chicken. Stir until the meat changes color. Turn off the fire and add the bread, cheese, salt, pepper, and eggs. Mix well.

Stuff the turkey. Top with bacon strips. Tie the legs with a string. Roast in a pre-heated oven at 400°F or 200°C uncovered for one hour.

Set aside the bacon for the gravy.

Cover the top of turkey loosely with foil. Continue cooking two more hours or until an Instaread thermometer inserted inside the drumstick registers 170°F. (The turkey will continue cooking at this point.)

Transfer to serving platter. Garnish with bunches of red and green seedless grapes.

For the gravy:

Put all the drippings from turkey in a medium-sized saucepan. Add chicken cubes and flour. Mix with a wire whisk for two minutes. Add remaining ingredients and cook until boiling. Turn off fire and stir chopped bacon from turkey. Serve in sauceboat.


The stuffing and gravy are good for two 1-1/2 kilos each deboned whole Magnolia chickens available at Magnolia chicken stations. Wrap chicken completely with the bacon in foil. Put on a roasting pan. Roast in 400°F or 200°C oven for one hour. Remove the bacon. Continue cooking for 40 minutes more, with the foil opened.

Where to buy turkey:

Shopwise, Rustan’s Supermarkets Fresh, and many supermarkets.

Deboned chicken can be found at Magnolia Chicken stations.

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