Oh, happy days
September 15, 2005 | 12:00am

I eat chocolate for breakfast, in-between lunch and dinner, and as a midnight snack. Its my personal sugar-laced stress ball, a yummier anti-depressant. I eat chocolate when Im bonding with my girlfriends and, along with my boyfriend, use it as an excuse (a very ambiguous one at that) to reward us for a rigorous workout session.
Chocolate is classic comfort food, an instant mood lifter. Science attributes the positive vibe to a release of endorphins, although most chocolate lovers dont even obsess about the clinical explanation behind its lure. There is an entire population of chocoholics all over the world with an array of reasons why they cant live without the comfort chocolate brings. Some recall their fondest memories when on a chocolate binge. Some nibble on chocolate to keep them company when alone, while others break it into pieces and share it with friends. Most eat it for sheer pleasure, but the underlying sentiment is overwhelmingly the same. Hersheys, one of the worlds crowned chocolate royalties, explains it simply: "Chocolate makes people happy."
Hersheys, the company that made us love the cocoa confection and probably gave us the first chocolate we ever tasted, is building on the joy a single bite of Hersheys chocolate brings. "Hersheys milk chocolate has evolved from an American classic into a universal expression of bliss. People have a very deep, personal relationship with Hersheys chocolate," says Hersheys Philippines Inc. group product manager Erick E. Ampil. The new "Hersheys Happiness" campaign celebrates this "deep-seated love affair with chocolate" and shows how this treat signifies different things to different people. As the 15-seconder TV spots articulate, Hersheys is "like a warm hug from someone you havent seen in a long time," or for a man on the prowl, "a great way to meet women."
Not only is Hersheys in the business of bringing happiness, it also wants to capture the delight it brings on photographs. Say "Hersheys" with your favorite Hersheys chocolate be it Hersheys Kisses, Whoppers malted milk balls, Hersheys Nuggets, the velvety Symphony bar, or the Hersheys Smores candy bar and show how these sweet treats bring cheer into your life in the Hersheys Happiness Photo Contest.
Simply express how Hersheys makes you happy in a photo and submit your entry with your name, address, age, telephone number and gender at designated LBC and Digiprint drop boxes. You can also send a soft copy of your photo through MMS; text HERSHEYS SUBMIT to 2256, or via e-mail at photocontest@hersheyshappiness.com.ph. Hersheys Happiness booths are also located at selected major malls around the country where you can have your picture taken for free with a purchase of Hersheys Milk Chocolate.
Photos will be judged on how they express happiness through Hersheys, its emotional impact, creativity, and overall composition. There will be four bi-weekly contests, with four winners in each contest from GMA, Luzon province, Visayas and Mindanao. These lucky photo senders can choose their own Hersheys happiness prize from the following packages: an ultra-indulgent chocolate buffet treat; a shopping spree at Fully Booked bookstore, Tobys sports store, Abensons appliance store, or their favorite fashion store; a donation to their favorite charity; or Cebu Pacific tour packages to the countrys most happening vacation hotspots. You may send multiple entries, but may win only once in the bi-weekly draws. Non-winning entries are eligible for succeeding draws.
The public also gets to choose the best expression of Hersheys Happiness. The photo hailed by text votes as the "Peoples Choice" wins a Funtastic Hong Kong Disneyland package courtesy of Cebu Pacific. The grand prize winner gets the plum prize: a Hersheys Happiness package of his choice worth P100,000. The latest date for submission of photo entries is on Oct. 23.
Qualified entries for the Peoples Choice Award will be published in newspapers, magazines, shown in selected TV shows, and displayed at the mall tours and the website www.hersheyshappiness.com.ph. The public can vote their choice by texting HERSHEYS VOTE to 2256. Each vote can be an entry for a chance to win one of five digital cameras.
With Hersheys chocolate, everyday should be a happy day. Share the love. Theres much of it and chocolate to go around.
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