Cebu uncorks Beaujolais Nouveau

For wine lovers around the world, the third Thursday of November is a red-letter day, a reason for a significant celebration.

It started as a local countryside event in the vineyards of France years and years ago. Today, it has grown into a global phenomenon.

Frenchmen eagerly await the midnight hour to pop the corks for the initial formal tasting, while the British tip their glasses at breakfast time. Even Americans, who seem to prefer white wine, join the fanfare some hours later.

Yes, it has become a competitive race, to be the very first to taste the fruity, young and fresh-as-it-could-be Beaujolais Nouveau.

Once again, the Cheese and Wine Club of Cebu, in cooperation with Club Vudu, in a tradition that began in 1999, had the distinct honor of being in the front line among our islands to officially celebrate the arrival of this friendly, festive red wine.

Dondi Joseph, the founder and current president of this by-invitation-only exclusive club, together with his ever-gracious wife Corinne, welcomed members and guests with goblets of the Beaujolais Nouveau.

Savoring their glasses of wine, complemented by platters of assorted cheese, were expats who have made Cebu their home, such as honorary French consul Richard Forteau, Chris White, Hervet Lampert, and fun-loving couple Carlo and Alexandra Cordaro.

Among those seen enjoying the festivities were Shangri-La Mactan Resort general manager Ben Bousnina, elusive bachelor Graham Maitland Smith, and everyone’s friend Amadeo Chiongbian.

It was a magical evening, where this tender, fresh wine brought smiles, loosened tongues and made friends of everyone present.


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