Instant facelift minus surgery

Say “eye do” to less wrinkles: French brand Nuxe’s Nirvanesque First Wrinkle Eye Cream smoothens visible wrinkles and reduces dark circles, thanks to ingredients like peony and hyaluronic acid. Available at all Rustan’s Department Stores and select Beauty Bar outlets.  

Dear Lucy,

I am 38 years old. I just went through a really difficult episode in my life — a failed marriage to a man I thought was my forever. It’s been 10 months since, I have started to pick up the pieces and I am trying to get my life back. I have started running, I have toned up, and my best friend said I need a little Botox or facelift. I am scared of both, even as I do agree I need a procedure that would tighten a bit the skin on my face. What would you suggest?              


I am sorry about what you had had to go through and I am very happy that you are in pursuit of emerging not just victorious but also empowered! God bless you and your journey.

Regarding tightening the skin on your face, I would recommend a non-invasive procedure. There are many to choose from. Offhand, I would say Ulthera, as I am a fan of what it does. The downside is the pain. We all have different thresholds for pain and while there are those who choose to be sedated before undergoing the treatment, some also choose to brave it out. What is nice about Ulthera is that it lifts the skin and makes you look fresh, like you just came from a very long and very happy vacation.

There is also Thermage, but that works more to not only tighten but also slim the face.

Recently, I tried a treatment at the Belo Medical Clinic called Instalift. Instalift is a machine that uses HIFU (high intensity focused ultrasound) delivered in a fractional manner which targets tissues at a certain depth to promote collagen growth and elastic fiber proliferation, causing a firmer, tighter, and contoured face. I loved it! The whole procedure was very comfortable, there was absolutely no pain, but the results were evident and instant. Think of Instalift as something like Ulthera but without any pain and with absolutely no downside. Unlike Ulthera though that you do only once, Instalift is a series of six sessions — three sessions to be done once a week for three consecutive weeks and the next three to be spaced monthly thereafter. That might change depending on the patent so if you’re interested, it is best for you to go to the Belo Clinic and have your face assessed.

At any rate, know that there are all these procedures to choose from and it is just a matter of choosing the right one that will fit your needs and your budget.

I wish you all the best, Cherry.               


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Eye Do’s To Prevent Crow’s Feet

Dear Rissa,

I’m in my 30s and getting conscious about the wrinkles in my eye area.  What tips can you share so I can prevent them?                 


Age has nothing to do with the lines that appear in the corners of your eyes. It’s a combination of heredity and careless abuse of the area. Skin is skin and it needs to be cared for — this means not pulling on the skin when removing or applying eye makeup.  The eye area is prone to fine lines and wrinkles, so it is really important to not overwork the area. Avoid squinting and stay away from smoky rooms.

One of the best ways to protect this area is to wear sunblock every day and put on a pair of sunglasses every time you go outside. Sun protection is the best anti-aging solution. Remember that the skin around the eye is thin and delicate. Extra protection goes a long way.

There are very few oil glands in that area, too, so it can dry out very quickly, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors. When selecting an eye cream, be sure to choose one that is specially formulated for this delicate skin. Don’t use a day cream that could be full of ingredients that will irritate the area. Too rich a cream can cause as many problems as ignoring the area altogether.

Try French brand Nuxe’s Nirvanesque First Wrinkle Eye Cream.  It contains hyaluronic acid, which is amazing in holding in and attracting moisture to the skin, so it instantly smoothens visible wrinkles. Your skin appears relaxed and hydrated, making you look more radiant and less stressed as well.


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Send e-mail to Lucy Torres-Gomez at E-mail Rissa Trillo at or follow her on Twitter @RissaMananquil.

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