OMG! The best nail polish remover at Watsons

OMG’s One Dip Instant Nail Lacquer Remover effortlessly takes off nail polish — even faster than the usual acetone. To use, simply dip each finger into the pot and twist into the pre-soaked sponge. Get polish-free nails in just seconds. No need for cotton balls and pads. Available at Watsons.


I love wearing nail polish, but using acetone to remove my polish makes my nails and skin so dry. It sometimes gets so messy, too. Any alternatives?       


I dislike using acetone, too, because it really dries out both the nails and the skin on my fingers. I’ve been using an acetone-free formula, which I bought during my last trip abroad, but it takes much longer to remove the polish. I also need so much of it just to get the polish out.

 There was one time I was also traveling and I saw those “magic” instant nail polish removers. I remember it was a German brand and I didn’t end up getting it. Oh, how I regretted that decision every time I had to remove my polish. But I was so thrilled when I came across a similar product: OMG’s One Dip Instant Nail Lacquer Remover, which is available at Watson’s. It works so well that it will really make you say, OMG!

 This product removes nail polish fast, safely and with no mess. It is easy to use and there is no need for cotton and acetone. Simply dip each finger into the pot and twist into the pre-soaked sponge. It removes polish so well, yet it’s amazingly acetone-free and non-drying.

 For girls like you who dislike using messy, time-consuming acetone, the OMG’s One Dip Instant Nail Lacquer Remover really removes even stubborn glitter.                                                                     


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Take B.O. with a grain of (Himalayan) salt


I have dark armpits and really terrible underarm odor. Deodorants do not work, even the strong ones that are formulated for men. I also have really dark armpits and inner thighs and elbows so I’m conscious of wearing short shorts and sleeveless tops. I am only 26 years old.?                     


For your terrible underarm odor, perhaps you can try the Himalayan salt block soap available at Healthy Options. I hear it works well at targeting this problem, and some moms of children with very active lifestyles have used it. They are happy with the results. Please be sure to follow instructions.?Regarding your dark inner thighs, I consulted with Dr. Guada Capiz of the Belo Medical Group and she says that for this particular body part, friction is the culprit. They call it friction melanosis and treatment includes Jetpeel (to exfoliate and whiten), Revlite (to break pigments), and topical creams like Illuminating, Belo White, Tyro and Kojic. The same options may be applied to knees and elbows but these areas may further benefit from chemical peels. It is important that trauma is avoided in these areas. Patience is also required and commitment to the prescribed treatment as skin is usually thick, which prevents creams from penetrating the dermis.                                            


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Send e-mail to Lucy Torres-Gomez at E-mail Rissa Trillo at or follow her on Twitter @RissaMananquil.

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