Reggie Aguinaldo-Young relives the ’60s

Tita Sison, Ralph Joseph and Stephen Young offer a birthday toast to Reggie Young.

New York-based Reggie Aguinaldo-Young enjoys coming back to Manila as often as she can.   Briefly in town with her husband Stephen Dee Young,  she managed to sneak in several birthday get-togethers with various groups of friends that she has kept in close touch with.  Becoming a seniorella was the perfect excuse  to celebrate and instead of having just one big party, several intimate ones were preferred so that she could spend time catching up with everyone.

Having been abroad for two decades, this busy bee is always traveling and is often on buying trips for her work with Tyrell and the Rustan’s Group.  She just can’t slow down and retirement seems to be a long shot for now as she remains slim and trim, maintaining her girlish figure as she flits from one appointment to the next with the same energy and zest that she has had since she was a young girl.

One of the fun celebrations was at the RJ Bistro where a special ‘60s-themed party was in full swing with Enervon Prime’s Prom Night.  And since Reggie was  a young 60, it was the perfect combination for a celebration as the music was right down her alley with friends requested to come in their ‘60s attire as they danced the night away.

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