For the love of Donnie Ramirez

Donnie Ramirez Photos by LORNA LLANES  

For almost a month now, well-loved PR and former advertising executive Donnie Ramirez has been in critical condition after undergoing brain surgery (Frontotemporoparietal burr holing)  at Ospital ng Makati.  Upon hearing this extremely sad news, prayers and well wishes were offered, but his family and close friends were  in a quandary since there was no medical insurance to help Donnie through this low period in his life.

When Len Olbes visited him two weeks ago, her heart broke when she saw the terrible condition that Donnie was in as he lay in a coma, never regaining consciousness from his surgery.  She  thought of a fundraising event that had to be held in a week’s time  and with this germ of an idea, she got to work by getting a core group of friends to assist her.  Her plan was that tickets would be sold at a reasonable price so that everyone who wanted to attend would feel welcome without breaking their budget and those who could afford it, would be able to donate a larger sum. This dynamo of a lady personally made sure that posters and tickets were printed as well as for the big day .

The March 20th event at the RJ Bistro was announced on Facebook and Twitter to be able to reach as many friends as possible since time was of the essence.  There was an immediate positive reaction with businessman Noel Gonzales, Bernardo Bernardo, Dresden  Ramos, Ricky Davao, John Fernandez and George Sarakinis offering jam for the evening.  Becky Garcia organized the group with a cohesive program, while Sonny Tanchangco and John Gaddi got everyone to dance and ensured that they would enjoy the evening as Donnie would have wanted.

It was truly heartwarming to see a mix of the social set, media personalities, advertising executives, fashion designers and models as well as his staff for an evening to pay tribute to Donnie Ramirez.  If he was around, he would heartily have agreed that this was one happy party in his honor.

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