Beauty knows no age limit

Dr. Allen Aguinaldo-Cabrera: Signs of aging, while dependent on a person’s genetic predisposition, most commonly occur around the eyes where a lot of expressions take place.

As one ages, the skin undergoes a plethora of changes: from texture shifts, sagging, to pigmentation issues. No matter how careful you might be, the effects of aging will always take their toll on the face even if you’re only pushing 30!

According to Dr. Allen Aguinaldo-Cabrera, signs of aging, while dependent on a person’s genetic predisposition, most commonly occur around the eyes where a lot of expressions take place.

“Until your 20s, your face is mostly free of wrinkles. However, you’ll begin to notice fine lines around the eye area, which are commonly called motor wrinkles — the creases caused by frequent muscle and skin movement,” Dr. Cabrera explained.

As you enter your 30s, you’ll notice deeper wrinkles around the eyes. In your 40s, lines will begin to appear in the upper lip, which is very common among smokers who habitually purse their lips around cigs. In your 50s and beyond, wrinkles become more prominent as your skin begins to sag, and so when everything — from the environment to genetics — is conspiring against you, it’s time to consult your trusted dermatologist, the one who can “bring back” what time has taken away.  Soft tissue fillers like Juvederm® Voluma® with Lidocaine, Restylane and Teosyal help address the loss of volume.

Once a Beauty Queen, always a Beauty Queen

Well, that’s exactly what former beauty queen Chiqui Brosas did as soon as she noticed that the lines were starting to spoil her once smooth-looking forehead and eye area.

“Aside from wrinkles, I also noticed the development of eye bags,” she related.

When she went to Dr. Cabrera’s clinic for a consultation, little did Chiqui know that correcting her wrinkles and eye bags was only half the equation to make her look even better.

Wrinkles and frown lines are what prompt patients to see a dermatologist simply because they’re the first things they notice. They feel that once the lines are corrected, they will look better than before. Sadly, that’s not always the case.

Facial assessment is key.

“I always assess the facial features of my patients. In that way, I can properly explain to him/her which areas need to be corrected and what the treatment outcome will look like,” explained Dr. Cabrera, a fellow at the Philippine Dermatology Society, an international fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology and an active member of the International Society of Dermatology Surgery.

In Chiqui’s case, Dr. Cabrera noticed that aside from the fine wrinkles, the former beauty queen has crow’s feet, multiple fine lines under the eyes, and facial descent or what others refer to as skin sagging.

“What I did was look at her photos when she was younger and analyze the difference. Chiqui has very beautiful eyes, but the eye area is now covered with fine lines. To address it, I injected a small dose of botulinum toxin type A because I didn’t want the contour of her eyes to disappear. I also injected a hyaluronic acid filler (Juvederm® Voluma® with Lidocaine) to bring back lost volume on her face,” explained Dr. Cabrera.

When Chiqui was informed by Dr. Cabrera that she needed to have soft tissue fillers, she was a bit apprehensive.

“I’ve had botulinum toxin type A before so I already knew what to expect, but soft tissue filler was new to me. When Dr. Cabrera sensed I was hesitant to do it, she showed me some of her works and I noticed the improvements on her patients’ looks after undergoing soft tissue filler injections. My fear was replaced with excitement and I wondered what Dr. Cabrera could do to enhance my features,” enthused Chiqui, now oozing with confidence.

Now in her 50s, Chiqui is now a successful financial adviser for a multinational company.

“As a former beauty queen, I have to live up to people’s expectations. Besides, I owe it to myself to look and feel good at all times,” she said with a grin.

Life begins at 40

After giving birth to her second child, Joy Cabrera lost a lot of weight. She became too skinny, in fact, that her face started to drop. She looked tired and haggard even if she’s had a good night’s sleep.

“Joy’s facial descent is caused by bone resorption,” said Dr. Cabrera, Joy’s sister-in-law.

Studies have shown that as one matures or loses weight, bones are slowly being “resorbed” or broken down into their base minerals (calcium and others) and taken in the body. In a young individual, the growth and resorption of the bone is in harmony. As one ages, the resorption — in certain areas in the face — is more than the growth.

“This is clearly seen in the eye socket area, the cheeks and the temples. Joy’s bone resorption has affected her face, her eyes (she has deep-set eyes), the lids, even her nose,” noted Dr. Cabrera.

To address the problem, Dr. Cabrera used a hyaluronic soft tissue filler (Juvederm® Voluma® with Lidocaine) to restore facial volume.

“Soft tissue fillers fill the defect or the area where there is fat loss (skin sagging). Upon injection, you’ll notice the hollow area or even the deep lines of your face plump up. Restoring facial volume brings the person closer to having a more youthful and vibrant look. Moreover, the hyaluronic acid hydrates the skin, making it even smoother,” Dr. Cabrera noted. 

“I have full confidence in Dr. Cabrera and she knows that I’m always ‘game’ when it comes to enhancing my facial features. Whenever there’s a new beauty product available on the market, she would try it on me first and the outcome would always be awesome. What I like most about her is she uses the product herself so her clients are assured that it’s safe and effective,” enthused Joy, who now gets compliments from her friends for her youthful glow.

The power of contouring

When Dr. Cabrera first saw 30-year-old Cyrene Morales in her clinic, she saw beauty obscured by strong facial features.

“Her face was very angular, her features too strong,” Dr. Cabrera related.

Not all women are blessed with feminine features — an oval-shaped face, a small nose, prominent cheekbones, full cheeks and flawless skin. And if you have the same features as Cyrene’s, then facial contouring is a must.

“I used botulinum toxin type A to contour the shape of Cyrene’s face. It creates a finer and more feminine look, which enhances her features. I also used a hyaluronic acid soft tissue filler to add volume to her cheeks, chin, and temples to give her a younger, more refreshed look,” Dr. Cabrera said.

As an executive of British American Tobacco, Cyrene leads a fast-paced life.

“I have to juggle my time between my family and work. On top of that, I also have to take care of myself. Looking good with no downtime is what I needed given my busy schedule,” shared Cyrene.

“Start taking care of your skin even at a young age. To look flawless and fabulous at every age, it’s time to rethink your skin routine,” advised Dr. Cabrera. 

For any inquiries or consultation, call 638-6593.



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