What is the best anti-aging cream? Sunblock!

MANILA, Philippines - I find it fascinating that women are willing to spend thousands of pesos on the latest anti-aging cream, the new miracle laser or radio frequency device. However, they refuse to apply sunblock, which can prevent many of the wrinkles in the first place.

What is even more ironic is that while I educate all my patients on the importance of using sunblock to prevent premature aging, I don’t apply any myself. It’s a classic case of “Do as I say, don’t do as I do.”

I mentioned this to my daughter, Cristalle, in one of our bedroom meetings and when she asked me why I don’t wear sunblock, I came up with a litany of reasons.

First of all, I hate using sunblocks because they’re sticky and heavy. This, coupled with the humidity of the Philippine weather, makes it untenable. Secondly, I usually break out with pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads because they clog my pores.

Thirdly, most sunblocks are “fragrance-free” which translates to this odor that is quite suffocating. Fourthly, I also sometimes get rashes and feel itchy because I’m allergic to benzophenones, a common ingredient of most sunblocks.

Cristalle looked at me quizzically and asked, “Why don’t you come up with your own sunblock?” I was stumped. Why not, indeed!

Well, it took us two years to develop my ideal sunblock and now it’s finally out on the market. Belo Essentials SunExpert is the latest addition to the skincare whitening line that we introduced to the public.

The treacherous thing about the sun is that it’s sneaky. It feels warm and comforting, and actually makes people happy. This has been proven in Nordic countries like Sweden, where they have identified a depressive disorder called SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), which is caused by not enough sunlight exposure.

Sun exposure damage is cumulative. So, if you exposed yourself to a lot of sun in your childhood and teens, thinking you were young and could take it, think again. Sun damage is like a “computer virus,” it enters your body and starts destroying some of your DNA little by little and the effects can be seen years later.

Have you noticed how Caucasians look so good in their teens and early 20s and then seem to suddenly age in their 30s? That’s the effect of the DNA damage years before.

Just imagine, every time you expose yourself to the harsh sun, hundreds of protein-eating “pacmen” are born. In the beginning, maybe they’re not enough in number to mount an obvious attack. But over the years, they multiply with every sun exposure until they become a huge army of collagen and elastin- munching monsters called “free radicals.”

Photoaging is the medical term which refers to a person’s aging prematurely secondary to sun exposure. It is characterized by fine lines, crepe-like skin, some brownish mottling, and waxy skin that is rough to the touch.

Belo Essentials SunExpert has created a sunblock that has complete UVB and UVA protection using zinc dioxide, which is a physical blocker. The sunblock is also light, non-sticky, and hypoallergenic.

Backed by 20 years of clinical experience by the Belo Medical Group, the product has been tested by independent (non-Belo) dermatologists who are accredited by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). The face sunblock has SPF 40 and the one for the body has SPF 60.

I believe that the application of sunblock should be a daily habit and not just a “beach” thing. First of all, it is impossible to avoid the sun in the Philippines. But then there are other hidden causes of UV radiation damage. For example, cooking can cause melasma. Bright lights, even the ones used for reading, are enough to harm the skin.

The old adage that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure definitely applies to sunblock.

So remember, a sunblock a day keeps the wrinkles away.

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