Hot legs

Fashion designer Kate Torralba has collaborated with hosiery brand City Lady for a stocking collection dubbed “Leg Love: Kate Torralba for City Lady.”

A big fan of hosiery, Torralba took on the opportunity to design stockings that she herself would wear and that she knew was lacking in the local market for quite some time. She says, “It was a privilege to work with the company and to have my hosiery frustrations addressed at the same time.”

For the brand’s part, City Lady’s ad and promo manager Mich Mela says Torralba was a natural choice to design their Leg Love collection. Mella relates, “We wanted to educate the market on how to maximize the use of hosiery in a fashionable way, and what better way to do it than with Kate.”

The Leg Love collection features patterned stockings, opaque tights, and limited selections of prints that are undeniably Torralba’s.

Leg Love: Kate Torralba for City Lady stockings are available at all leading SM Department stores and at Kate Torralba’s boutique in Makati.

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