Manila woos Kwon Sang Woo (a.k.a. Cholo)

Wherever he goes, crowds follow. They scream, swoon, gasp, and gaze – male, female, young and old alike. They cry when he cries, laugh when he laughs, love when he loves. An international sex symbol, he was voted "Most Beautiful Man" on the web site and nominated as one of top 50 Asian hunks in 2005. He’s Kwon Sang Woo, but his legion of Filipino telenovela fans prefers to call him Cholo (after his famous character in the soaper Stairway to Heaven). And now, this Korean six-foot heartthrob with the cherubic smile takes his fans in the Philippines to heaven as he visits the country as part of his "2006 Asia tour – Christmas in Manila" as the ambassador of beauty and the face of The Face Shop.

Speaking through VJ Sam Oh, doubling as emcee and interpreter, at a press conference held Monday at Makati Shangri-La, Cholo unmasks the face behind Korea’s top-selling cosmetics/skincare/body care brand – The Face Shop – that’s now available in the Philippines. Excerpts:

You’re considered one of Korea’s sexiest men? Are you flattered by this tag?

I don’t think of it, but I’m thankful because it means that a lot of people are interested in me as an actor.

Are you conscious of your body?

Yes, but only because I’m a sportsman. In terms of fitness, I box, I play basketball. I keep myself fit.

What part of your body do you like best?

I don’t consider any specific part of my body sexy; what is important to me is a body that is fit and balanced.

You’re one of the hottest heartthrobs in Asia today. What kind of girl would you fall for?

Of course, beauty is relative – what is beautiful to you may not be beautiful to me. So being beautiful is not so important to me. What is important to me is that she will be respected by my parents, that she’s respectful to the elders. I want to find someone I can be with for a very, very long time.

Would you go for an older woman? (A roar of laughter from the audience.)

I do not discriminate. Age doesn’t matter if you really love the person. I think all men have the "older woman fantasy." My only worry is that I’m getting old as well (he turned 30 last Aug. 5). So I have to meet that older woman now before I turn middle-aged.

You’ve been described as a versatile actor capable of drama, comedy, action. How do you do it?

I’ve been able to cross over from drama (soap) to comedy and then to action (from playing a priest to a Bruce Lee-wannabe). I feel lucky because only a few Korean actors can do that.

How close are you to your Cholo character?

I identify with most of the roles I take on, especially Cholo. I most identify with Cholo’s passion when he’s in love. I think I’m that way, too. Like Cholo, I like joking around with my friends in real life. It’s a character I really like.

If you had a chance to be in a Hollywood movie, what role would you like to play?

I would love to do the male character in Love Story.

During your first visit to the Philippines, you were not aware of how popular you were in the country. Now, do you know how popular you are?

The first time I came, I didn’t know how popular I was. But I was surprised that people were taking notice of me. Then I saw the ad of my TV soap Stairway to Heaven on a bus. I then felt I was well known here.

How do you find the Philippines?

I’m very happy that despite the fact that Korea is a country a little far away from the Philippines, I have all these people welcoming me, and I’m happy to see all of you. To me, the Philippines is a place with beautiful beaches, a very peaceful country with very nice weather. In my mind, it’s a resting place I like to go to when things get tough.

What can’t you leave home without when you travel?

Because I’m a man, I don’t travel with as many things as a woman would, but I always bring simple toiletries, and if it’s a more formal engagement I’m doing in other countries, I bring my cleansing products, I ’m very picky with that. This is my second visit to the Philippines and on both trips, I brought swimming trunks because I always planned on going swimming but hadn’t been able to do that. Hopefully, the next time I come here, I’d be able to do that.

Why is your skin so flawless?

Because I use The Face Shop products. And I have genetics to thank – my mom has flawless skin.

Are you vain? How vain?

I wouldn’t say I’m vain, but because I’m in show business, I have to take care of myself. So, as much as my schedule would permit, I get facial treatments and I get enough sleep.

What is your beauty routine? What Face Shop products do you use?

First is cleansing – I use facial foam, wash with warm water, and rinse four times with cold water. I use a basic men’s care line from The Face Shop, like the lotion and skin essence.

It’s fun to use The Face Shop products because it has these face packs that have different smells, like fruity. I dedicate 10 minutes of the day using these face packs and this routine helps me a lot.

What are your fitness secrets?

I try to do weightlifting two to three times a week.

Do you have any diet?

I’ve never really deprived myself. But I don’t eat a lot at night. And I take a lot of fruits and fruit juices.

How far would you bare for a pictorial?

Up to the upper body only.

What do you think of men who don’t make any effort to look good?

They won’t end up with pretty girls because all it takes is a few minutes to look good.

How can women convince their men to use The Face Shop products?

Easy. All women have to do is to drag their men to The Face Shop outlet nearest them.

What made you say "yes" to The Face Shop? It’s unusual for a man to endorse beauty products.

Endorsing The Face Shop is a vehicle for me to show Koreans and other people a different side of me. I like the fact that The Face Shop products are natural and affordable. And there are The Face Shop stores all over Korea

What is your general impression of your Filipino fans?

Since most of my Filipino fans are female, I can only talk about the Filipino women. Filipino women have very small faces and Korean women suffer from inferiority complex because they have bigger faces compared to the Filipinas. Filipinas also have beautiful eyes, sexy bodies, and are good-looking.

There’s an influx of Koreans in the Philippines. What can you say to your countrymen living here?

I met a Korean here and he knew how to speak Tagalog. I figured the Philippines is a good place to live. It provides Koreans with a good environment not only to live but to live their dreams as well.

Tell us about your Gawad Kalinga experience. We heard you painted four houses.

I identified a lot with what I saw at Gawad Kalinga. When I was growing up, I was surrounded by similar unfortunate circumstances. My father went up to Seoul and his business failed. I learned back then that profit is important, but it has to be given back to the community. The Gawad Kalinga experience enriched me. I was especially touched by the presentation of the children. They were happy despite their difficult surroundings. I believe that if you keep your dream alive, no matter how poor you are, you will succeed.

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