Bye-bye, dry hair!

Dear Tingting
I once read that you recommend soaking hair in Pantene with coco oil for dry hair. Did you mean the shampoo or conditioner of any Pantene variant? I’ve tried coco oil, but I think my hair is not hiyang to it. Instead, I have frizzy hair after washing it.
— Mimi

Soaking hair in coconut milk or coconut oil for 30 minutes makes tired hair healthy. Pantene with oil is for a healthy scalp. You need hair conditioner after shampooing to avoid frizzy hair.

If your scalp is really sensitive, you can try the Phyto Dry Hair Collection, which is for very dry hair that is damaged, lackluster, brittle, and prone to split-ends. This is for hair that has been drained of its vital substances (such as amino acids and keratin compounds) due to exposure to chemical and environmental stress. Phyto has an ultra nourishing oil treatment especially designed for hair fiber that has become porous and harsh. Phyto products are available at Rustan’s Essenses.
— Tingting
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Slim And Beautiful After Pregnancy
Hi, Lucy!
I admire your porcelain skin, slim figure, and lustrous hair. I gave birth four months ago. My hair is falling in chunks, which all preggy books say is normal. I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but there is still loose skin around my lower abs. I can fit into my pre-preggy clothes, but the fit is not the same. My skin is a lot oilier and ruddier than usual. Is there something I can apply for my falling hair? Will the loose skin go away in time? I am exercising regularly and do abdominal exercises as well, but the flab is still there. Is the maternity belt still effective to wear at this time? What products do you recommend for oily, sensitive skin?
— Rica

Falling hair during and after pregnancy is normal, but maybe you can switch to a milder shampoo and nourish your scalp with coconut oil and/or aloe vera. Maybe it would help also if you wear your hair a bit shorter just so there is less weight, less stress. Secondly, yes the loose skin should go away in time. The key factors there are really diet and exercise. And by all means, do wear the girdle. I once read that even the most heavenly of bodies still stand to benefit from the use of the girdle, especially when worn the night before they have to fit into a skin-tight gown. I myself did not stop using it until I was back to my pre-pregnancy shape. I wore it at home, when I went out, and basically took it off only when I took a bath. Buy two or three good ones that you can rotate so even if one is in the laundry, there is no excuse for you not to use it.

For your oily skin, just drink lots of water and use a mild soap like Cetaphil. I would not worry about your ruddy skin. as long as you are not breaking out in pimples. Enjoy your natural glow.
— Lucy
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Send e-mail to or write to Style SOS c/o Life Section, The Philippine STAR, Roberto Oca and Railroad Sts., Port Area, Manila.

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