And now, an anti-cholesterol snack

Dear Tingting,
I recently heard about a kind of potato that’s good for the heart as it is anti-cholesterol. Would you know anything about this?

You must be referring to yacon (Polymnia sonchifolia), the root of a plant related to the dahlia. Native to Peru, yacon is gown in other countries like New Zealand, Japan, Thailand, Brazil, and the Philippines (Nueva Viscaya). It is a natural source of oligofructose, a type of sugar that can’t be absorbed by the body like water. You can stir-fry it or dry it in the sun like potato chips to concentrate its sweetness and turn it into a delicious snack food. Yacon is touted as a good sweetener for diabetics; it is high in antioxidants, provides large amounts of potassium, and promotes the absorption of calcium. It is also reputed to have laxative properties and may help protect against osteoporosis.

Oligofructose has been associated with the promotion of beneficial bacteria in the colon. Yes, I’ve also read that eating yacon helps prevent the buildup of cholesterol in the coronary arteries.
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Scar Care
Dear Lucy,
I really admire your smooth skin and beautiful face as well as your inner beauty. I’d like to ask how I could have smooth skin, too. I grew up in the province and enjoyed the freedom of playing a lot, which is why I got many scars on my legs when I was about 10 to 12 years old. Some of them have turned into keloids. I was always chosen the class muse in my high school and college days, but never a muse during intramurals because I refused to wear shorts or mini skirts because of my scars. I’m 31 now and the office where I work will soon be requiring an above-the-knee uniform. How can I hide my scars?Is there any chance I could gid rid of these shameful scars ASAP?
Pretty Face/Ugly Legs

Instantly, the best way to cover up your scars is to wear stockings or pantyhose. Choose a shade closest to your skin tone. On a permanent basis though, your scars will be easy to remedy considering that we have a lot of effective whitening soaps and creams available. But you may also want to consider getting professional dermatological opinion on what you say are keloids. There are treatments that can reverse this condition, but the effects vary on a case-to-case basis. Check out treatment options at the Belo Medical Group (Makati-main clinic, tel. nos. 817-7178, 817-9283) or a reputable plastic surgeon like Dr. Conrado de Gracia at the Medical City.
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When Pimples Take A Back Zit
Dear Mary,
I’m a 24-year-old working gal and I’m concerned about the pimples on my back. It’s strange but I don’t get many pimples on my face. I clean my back often, even applying an overnight gel to dry up the pimples, and still they persist. I have blemishes on my back, which really bother me because I have to wear a tube dress for my friend’s wedding this month and we’re also going to the beach. How can I have a smooth and blemish-free back?
Worried Gal

Take a bath daily and scrub your back. When you take a bath and wash your hair, bend forward so the dirty water does not run down your back, which may cause your back to break out. Some people with back pimples swear by Cetaphil and Extraderm. But do consult a dermatologist on this. We have no control over the hormones in our skin, but it will help a lot if you observe a healthy diet consisting of fresh vegetables and fruits; wholegrain foods; some protein from fish, lean meat, and soya products; and little or no sugary, processed, and fatty foods
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Send e-mail to or write to Style SOS c/o Life Section, The Philippine STAR, Roberto Oca and Railroad Sts., Port Area, Manila.

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