Looking for an eyebrow specialist

Hi, Lucy!

My eyebrows are thick and straight. I’ve gone to several salons who claim to have "professionally trained" staff to do waxing and threading, but the result is always a disaster. I hope you can recommend somebody who knows how to wax or thread properly to give my eyebrows a new look.


Please visit Hairworks Salon at the ground floor of Bsa Tower, 108 Legaspi Street, Legaspi Village (tel. nos. 888-4817 and 888-4819). Look for Novi, she will liberate you from your eyebrow dilemma! I go to her and boy, do I wish I had met her much, much earlier! She shapes eyebrows so well and it never ceases to amaze me what a big difference beautifully shaped eyebrows can make in helping a girl look much prettier.

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In The Slim Of Things
Dear Tingting,

I’m from Ilocos Norte and I have this big problem. I’m rather tall at 5’9-1/2," but I’m kinda fat. Can you give me advice on how to become slim? They say if I were slim, I could join some beauty pageant.

Tall Jane

Adopt a walking regimen and incorporate it into your daily routine. Learn some discipline and self-control. Eat less of fattening stuff like rice and sweets. At the extreme, fall in love and get jilted.

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Help For Keloids
Hi, Mary!

I’d like to ask if there’s a way to remove scars on my legs as well as keloids. I’ve tried a lot of topical medicines, but nothing helped. Could you recommend a doctor or a clinic that could help me and would suit my budget? I’m desperate to remove these ugly scars and keloids.

Desperate Girl

I’m sure a good dermatologist would be able to help you. Dr. Filomena Montinola of the Makati Medical Center is experienced in all these things and will certainly help. I also recommend Dr. Sylvia Jacinto who has a clinic at 1311 Batangas St., Makati City with tel. no. 894-3952.

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Send e-mail to style_sos@yahoo.com or write to Style SOS c/o Life Section, The Philippine STAR, Roberto Oca and Railroad Sts., Port Area, Manila.

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