Hair and skincare need not be expensive

Hi Lucy!

Could you give me some tips on how to care for my skin and hair? My friend sent me this magazine that has your lovely picture with your dear husband and cute daughter. I think you’re one of the celebrities in the Philippines with the most beautiful skin and hair, not to mention you’re very sexy, too. – Melanie

I am actually very low maintenance when it comes to hair and skincare. Through the years, I have come to realize that it is all a matter of finding the right stuff that really works for you. It does not have to be complicated; neither does it have to be outrageously expensive.

For my skin, I go to Dr. Sylvia Huang (tel. no. 722-2660) for cleaning. For treatments, such as IPL and Skinmaster, I trust the Belo Medical Group. I never sleep with my makeup on and I always make it a point to use sunblock and eye cream. When my skin breaks out, I rush to the experts – no matter how tempting, I try not to prick or mess around with clogged pores. I know the outcome will not be worth it at all. Always start and end the day with a clean face.

My hair care is even more low maintenance. I only rely on Pantene shampoo and conditioner (yes, I condition daily – it is a must so my hair falls really soft and smooth). I go for weekly oil/hair spa treatments at Fix Salon at the Podium and my wash-and-wear haircut is by Jas of Hairworks Salon. – Lucy
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Wanted: White Underarms
Dear Tingting,

I’ve always had dark underarms and I’ve done everything – used creams, lotions, soaps to make them whiter, but to no avail. Could you recommend something I can use to get results? I’m really so embarrassed! – Skie

The Belo Medical Group in Greenhills (tel. nos. 724-7443, 724-6626, 727-4208) has underarm whiteners for morning and at bedtime. Or you can try Pond’s whitening cream sold at Mercury drugstore. – Tingting
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When Deodorants Are Not For You
Dear Tita Mary,

Before, I didn’t use anti-perspirants or deodorants. What I did was to simply rub 70 percent isopropyl alcohol on my underarms after a bath. I was assured then that even if I perspired, I still wouldn’t smell. But my brother from Canada came and gifted me with a box of Rightguard Extreme Sport deodorant sticks. I started to use these deo sticks. Months later, my underarms developed some white blotches. The blotches are as big as our five-centavo and 25-centavo coins. Is there a way I can even out my underarm skin pigments without resorting to expensive medical treatment? It’s summer again and it’s a turnoff showing those blotches when swimming. – Arthur3040

Use a whitening lotion to even out your skin color. And go back to alcohol; obviously, deodorants are not for you. – Mary
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