So white, so light
November 7, 2002 | 12:00am

Dozens of women, dressed in white, stepped out of their daily lives and into the moonlight. Out of their offices, their cars, their kitchens, their bedrooms, their roles, their projects, their worries, they marched away, they marched onward, sisters all.
Into the Kasalikasan Gardens of Fort Bonifacio they found themselves. An outdoor sanctuary for the inner sanctuary. A temporal paradise. A temple of womanhood.
Amid tents of gossamer, pavilions of greens, and an ambience of positivity the women let go of all fears and concerns and became one with themselves.
There, their tired hands, feet and backs were massaged by the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary. Their faces were refreshed by the masseuses of Orient Day Spa.
Then, their minds and souls were soothed by gurus of yoga and meditation. They reconnected with their inner selves through Raja Yoga, and reconnected with the universe through Pure Yoga by Yogi Prakash.
And in the garden amphitheater, as they feasted on fruit and juices, bread and hot soup, they listened. They listened to the voices of women who were just like them, all on a journey toward womanly wellness.
They heard the words of Chat Silayan as she spoke on how the nutrients that they take in make all the difference in the nutrition they give out to their families, their friends, their co-workers, to the world.
They imbibed the affirmations of Cory Quirino, a goddess in white, who shared her secrets of youthfulness and love of self, eternal beauty and the gift of mystical femininity.
And then they all erupted in a beautiful full moon ritual, into a graceful dance that followed the rhythm of the universe. The true nature of women, as seen in women amid nature.
A halo of contentment and well-being surrounded these privileged ladies as they walked back into their cars, their work, their families, their homes and their lives, carrying gift packages of Dove bath and cleansing products.
They call this a night of moment. A night of peace. The Ultimate Dove Moment.
You can let this moment stretch into a lifetime. Make your bath a private sanctuary through the Dove bathing ritual. Practice yoga: Yogi Prakash is the resident Pure Yoga instructor at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel; Raja Yoga is taught for free by Brahma Kumaris at various meditation centers around the country (call 890-7960). Pamper yourself: Facial and body treatments, massages and Kiri therapy are available at all Orient Day Spas around Metro Manila. Organic cuisine is available at Aqua Restaurant, Makati.
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