One look, one romantic ending

Dishing time
Have you heard this loud, loud whisper about how two of Cosmo Manille’s lovable and popular couples have supposedly gone their separated ways?

He is a tres well-known persona in the world of Law while she is a well-known (albeit low-profile) socialite actively involved in charity work. Both belong to old-wealth, super respected familles.

The dish goes, palanggas, that he is now madly pursuing another dusky beauty who is on an on-again, off-again situation with her former husband.

Moi hopes t
hat these are just whispers, but moi (as I always do) checked out the gossip (moi does this so as not to print just about anything that any Tom, Dick or Harry tells moi about certain personas) and found the whispers to be accurate.

Things should work out (hopefully!) for this couple (moi being among the many who adore them). Let’s just wait and see, okay?

Have you heard the other loud dish (this has a happier note) that one of our town’s attractive young Miss with the four B’s (as in beauty, brains, breeding and bucks!) might just change her status from Ms. to Mrs. before the year ends or early next year if plans push through, dahlings.

She’s that babe who sends many a gent climbing walls for her – Paris-educated Wendy Puyat, one of Manille’s in-demand freelance graphic designer, palanggas. She is the daughter of mega businessman Putch Puyat.

The lucky gent is well-liked successful young lawyer, Anthony Hotung. Of Scottish and Chinese descent, he is the son of a Hong Kong-based retail taipan who has outlets in major Chinese cities, especially a big one in Shanghai.

Anthony is also based in Hong Kong and commutes to and from there and Shanghai to Cosmo Manille for business at least three to four times a month to visit his lady love, Wendy.

The beautiful twosome started dating a couple of months ago. Since they are so sure about how they feel for each other, why wait (n’est ce pas)?

Have you heard this loud dish about this brilliant high-profile persona? Most of the things he touches turns into gold, which in turn is big news for our daily newspapers, palanggas. Apparently, the persona enjoyed himself so much at a concert a full moon ago.

Well, nothing wrong with that, except that he did not watch the main performer but instead turned most of his attention to the show’s guest performer. Moi wonders if the persona’s secret love knows about his still "roving eyes." Just asking, palanggas.

Lastly, have you heard about how so many people are fed up and disgusted with many senators who seem to do nothing but complain, criticize and conduct one investigation after another? And what is the result of all their investigations? NOTHING! They waste precious time and the tax payers money for NOTHING!

So what do they do next? They investigate each other, hurling accusations left and right. And what is the result of all that blah! blah! we hear and see on TV? NOTHING! They have nothing better to do, it seems, for the good of the country and the people. They seem content with their fat pork barrels from tax paying citizens.

The moral of the story: I ain’t voting for any senators in the next election. What the heck for? Di bala?
* * *
Young tres eligible Ardie Garcia first saw cyber smart head turner, Monique Narciso at the Manila Pen’s jumping Conservatory Bar sometime during Halloween ’97. Monique had just attended the wedding of one of her fellow Northwest Airlines flight attendants when Ardie noticed her standing by the bar.

Ardie, an Atenean, then asked his pal, "Who is she?" and learned that "she" was Monique from De La Salle. That was the first time she caught his eye, and that look led to love, dahlings.

Being on the dating circuit, palanggas, Ardie would often ask his gang to set him up on dates. He heard Monique’s name many times so his interest was piqued.

Their first date was a group date in January ’98. It was set up by Michelle Fournier (the secondary reader during the couple’s wedding), a schoolmate of Ardie’s pal who had asked her to set up their group of bachelors with some of her co-Northwest bachelorettes.

Monique, who had just arrived from a flight on the night of the date, came straight from the airport. Cupid hit the bull’s-eye with the couple.

Because of Monique’s flight schedule, Ardie could seldom go out with her. So he would find out from Monique’s pals if she was in town. Since Monique comes from a tres conservative famille, the couple would meet somewhere with friends.

Finally, palanggas, Ardie summoned the courage to invite Monique out for a dinner alone in March ’98. His office being in Alabang at that time, he would drive to Alabang for an hour and a half (there was no Skyway yet) to have dinner with his lady love at a Japanese resto in Alabang.

They were so engrossed in their conversation that by the time they noticed the time, the resto was empty and the waiters inquired when they would leave. Ardie then asked Monique for an after-dinner coffee and to his surprise, she said, "Yes." He couldn’t keep his eyes off her.

It was past 1 a.m. when Monique reached home. But when Ardie got home in New Manila, he called Monique up and they chatted till way past 3 a.m., ignoring the fact that Monique would have an early flight the next day. From then on, Ardie was sure that Monique was the girl he would marry someday.

The courtship lasted nine months, and the couple went steady in Nov. ’98. To think that Ardie once said, "I would never date any girl who lived past Magallanes, what more someone from a rival school like La Salle."

Ardie, who used to freak out about commitment and marriage, suddenly sang a different tune. After almost two years of going steady, he proposed marriage during dinner in an Alabang resto. Monique just smiled and kept silent. Apres two hours, she gave her sweet "yes."

A year later, Ardie wed Monique at the Santuario de San Antonio in posh-y Forbes Park. A grand reception with over 700 hotshots followed at the horse-y set’s stable at the Polo Club.

Monique is the daughter of well-liked businessman Ben Narciso and Estela Garcia. Ardie is the son of tycoon Monch Garcia and old-wealth socialite Jeannie Carlos.

One look led to a romantic ending for Mr. and Mrs. Ardie Garcia.

Cheers, palanggas.
Chinkee turns 23
It has been a great year for pretty, pretty mover and shaker Chinkee Clemente who finished Political Science at the Ateneo, dahlings, and who has given in to her creative side by studying Interior Design.

As lady president of the Young Quezonians, Chinkee C. had a fruitful term. She is happy about the turn of events in her blissful young life. So it was no wonder that when she turned another year more attractive, she threw a fun bash for close pals at the tres chic, all-time fave Shiraz Bar and Bistro.

Her sisters Rachelle and Suzanne, who came with their gang of groupies and the handsome love of Chinkee’s life, Richie Yao, helped Chinkee entertain the guests.

Clearly having a great time were the Avanceña siblings Luigi, Kat, and Gabbie; pro golfer Gerald Rosales and Anne Balao; up-and-coming model Chinky Apostol who breezed in with Ian King; construction tycoon Alex Coronel; blue-blooded party animals Chookie Cruz and Steve Baltao with girlfriend Michelle Santos; "Boracay hunks" Jay Sarmiento, Jezer Maducdoc, Morx Morco and Wanggo Gallaga; eternal partyphile Fritz Dimayuga; high school buddy Pia Yoro; talented young artists Gino Tioseco and Carlo Saavedra; Marc Llamas; Marlon de Mesa; plus others like them too nice to mention, dahlings.

The party mood was enhanced by the endless flow of the club’s excellent red and white wines, Martini cocktails and sumptuous hors d’ oeuvres. By party’s end at way past 2 a.m., Chinkee’s invitees left content, most of them happily tipsy – which was just what our birthday gal wanted.

"Nothing beats the feeling of seeing my closest friends having a great time," Chinkee gushed. "That’s why every year I feel compelled to give my buddies a night of pure fun. It’s my way of saying ‘thank you for everything’." Well, if Chinkee’s parties are anything like her, next year’s bash will be even wow!

Just you wait and see, palanggas.
Going Hollywood Red
It was definitely a fabi year for the popular and successful Crossover whose personas thus celebrated with sensational year-ender back-to-back parties at the swinging Dish at Rockwell.

The first bash, which paid tribute to glitz and glamour, was dubbed Crossover Goes Hollywood. Waiters and waitresses dressed up as famous Hollywood icons served endless food and drinks from Dish’s yummy resto outlets.

Later in the night, several top designers showed off their takes on classic Hollywood style in a unique fashion show. The second bash had the invitees dreaming of anything red.

Enjoying both of the smashing affair, palanggas, were Crossover’s hardworking rah! rah! crew led by workaholic gent Louie Villar; attractive Elaine Rivilla; Paolo Quiros; Malou Chipeco and her daughter Rissa; Carlo Pineda; Rochelle and Mike Santiago; and everyone’s palangga, dedicated socialite Saripaz Villar-Tan.

Also having a blast were Agnes Villarama and her brother Victor V.; stockbroker Allan Flores; movie actress Angelu de Leon; model Jack de Mesa; Dr. Aye Nuguid; Best Model of the World winners Tutay Maristela and Irie Mati; and world-class singer Joey Albert; plus so many others like them too fun to mention.

Whoever said that Manille is boring must have been hanging out at the wrong places. See you.

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