MANILA, Philippines - SyCipGorresVelayo & Co. founder and global business icon Washington SyCip celebrated his 95th birthday on June 30, 2016 at the Rizal ballroom of Makati Shangri-La. SyCip was greeted by hundreds of well-wishers, which included the country’s top business and political leaders. The event celebrated the many milestones in SyCip’s illustrious life, with a particular focus on his lifelong commitment to promoting education. As their gift to SyCip, the partners of SGV & Co. donated a modern e-classroom to Padre Burgos Elementary School – the same public school where SyCip began his formal education. The gift represented how SyCip’s own educational journey had come full circle. As a highlight of the festivities, guests were also entertained by a chorale of students from Padre Burgos Elementary School.