Marilyn Manuel: Promoting early learning

Laughter punctuates the conversation of Marilyn Manuel. Words like “objectives” and “components” form part of her vocabulary until she catches herself using the jargon that her colleagues understand, then she smiles.

Since 1974, Marilyn has been involved with groups that promote children’s welfare. As the first executive director of the Inter Country Adoption Board, she helped to form policies that allow the adoption of Filipino children. A 10-year stint at the DSWD showed her the challenges of trying to inspire barangays in the provinces to feel passionate about projects that were conceived by social workers in Manila. The Bright Child campaign was another project that she helped launch when she was part of the Council for the Welfare of Children.

Our bachelorette’s commitment to childcare is recognized by international agencies like UNESCO, UNICEF, USAID and the NORFIL Foundation, which has used her for consultancy work; local NGOs and universities like UP where she held teaching positions seek her charm as she places a strong emphasis on networking with people who share similar advocacies and still know how to have fun.

Today, Marilyn is the deputy executive director of the Early Childhood Care and Development Council. ECCD reports to the Office of the President. Give Marilyn a minute and she will tell you how society benefits from giving newborns brain stimulation. Give her another minute and she’ll explain how parents can promote early learning. Then smile with her as her laughter is full of pleasure. Here, Marilyn reflects on inihaw na tilapia, a friend’s betrayal and opera in Bucharest.

What make me happy are many things like working with people that I love to work with, my colleagues and partners in child welfare. Enjoying life with people that I learn a lot from. At this time of my life I feel like I am going through an attachment with a spiritual being that makes me effective with all the things that I do.

I get inspired by another day of making a difference with my work. I look forward to seeing people smiling in the street.

I work best in the office. I love working alone and to reflect and read and think, but at the same time I am most happy at the barangay level interacting with families and seeing the programs being implemented. We can see the effect, see the relevance and get their input.

The last meal that truly impressed me was a seafood meal. Pako cooked with coconut milk, pako salad and newly caught inihaw na tilapia. I was with the team of Sen. Angara and we came from Baler.

Some of my fears are… Basically I am a positive person and see that even negative situations can be turned into something good.

What helped me to conquer fear is my prayers. The usual kind, which thanks the Lord for blessings and opportunities and help so I can listen and do His will.

My worst moment was when a friend I trusted betrayed me. I lifted it up because maybe it was part of the situation.

Best quality about me is that I am a people person. I relate easily with people. Balanced. Helps me to become an effective person. Simple life.

Worst quality: I don’t want to remember but it is that I keep postponing. It’s also hard for me to think in terms of budget.

The thing I’m hoping to buy next is books. I have not been in stores since December. I like action books, suspense.

If I had to limit my travels to one city I would like to go back to Bucharest. It is where I learned how to appreciate classical music. My friends would bring me to opera and I watched in Romanian and got to love the music.

The souvenirs I choose to bring home… I usually bring dolls and magnets that reflect the country.

The best gift I have given recently: Someone told me that it is so nice, what I gave to her. She said she had been looking for it. I bought her a wooden plaque of Jabez with a small stand.

And the best one I’ve received recently: I just came from the 60th anniversary of the DSWD and my colleague gave me a beautiful rosary.

In my fridge you’ll always find eggs and cheese. I usually have eggs that I eat with apples and Brie.

I am proud of who I am now: Marilyn, who is happy and looking forward to contributing to the lives of people and learning from other people. Clearly, learning and making the best use of it so I can become a better person.

Beside my bed are a radio and Bible. I usually listen to DZMM news. I like listening to Dr. Love by the time I come home at nine, then go back to Bandila TV news.

If I wasn’t doing what I do, I would be home in my Sorsogon province maybe doing some volunteer work in our barangay.

The grooming basic I am never without is my hairspray.

In school, I learned how to relate with people. I remember the storytelling that my lola would do and we would ask all these questions and then interact, explore and validate if what they said was true. Learning concepts, maybe.

After being in business, I realized that working in government is very noble.

I choose my employees… We have only about 20 people who were chosen before I joined CWC. I like to be able to talk with them and those who can write and contribute, discuss with the person and open the lines of communication during the selection process. I plan to retire, though.

A recent setback I had was I attended a conference and my uncle died. Just got a text message from my cousin that my uncle died.

My talents include… I can write — the technical papers that relate with my work, manuals. We work with consultants and submit documents and I review and give comments and also ask them to give me feedback on what I write. I like reading.

The sport I do the most is none. I have been planning even just to go for a walk and that has not been happening.

The way I plan my day is usually a week in advance. Meetings are logged onto my cell phone and personal plus business are listed in the calendar of my cell phone.

The last time I cried was Dec. 27. I hosted a reunion of our cousins and most of them came. It was tears of joy.

Good advice I have given: If you feel comfortable with anything you are doing, then do it. If you don’t, then make a decision. You know better.

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