Ching Jorge: Advocating for better Philippine education

At 34, Ching Jorge is a re-spected advocate of better education in the Philippines. The outreach programs she attended during her grade-school days in De La Salle Zobel gave Ching early exposure to the state of education in our country. When our bachelorette realized just how far behind public school students are in reading, writing and arithmetic, Ching had to take action. First, she studied and conducted research on the conditions of our educational system, our public libraries and global competitiveness. Then she realized that she had to tweak the social consciousness of businessmen. Knowing that their participation is critical to the success of her endeavors, Ching got a job managing the Center for Corporate Responsibility at the Asian Institute of Management.

That stint gave her the determination to concentrate on her passion, education. Today, Natalie Christine Jorge, a.k.a. Ching, is vice president of the Bato Balani Foundation. She is also the director of the foundation’s programs and research. Ching helps to implement the foundation’s focus on teacher training and nationwide book donation programs. Meeting with members of the Philippine Business for Education provides the thrill that this young lady needs while helping out in feeding programs even when she is on her trips abroad.

What helps me to conquer fear is to be ready to accept and face any challenge that comes my way. Faith also plays a big role and my belief that things that happen are all part of a bigger plan. To me there is no such thing as problems, only solutions. But of course, I pray every moment I get for the safety of my family.

I believe that life is what you make it. Only you have the capacity to make your dreams and goals a reality. Once you start doing things the right way, everything else follows. Kindness and generosity should always be a priority.

Ching with the Asia Society’s 10 young leaders: As part of her volunteer work, Ching organized Young Public Servants to engage young leaders in promoting good govern-ance and democratic citizenship among Filipino youth.

The last music I bought was Astrud Gilberto. She is my favorite artist and so far I think I have all of her albums.

A memorable place I visited this year was Shanghai, China. I was able to meet with a diverse group of individuals, from Shanghai’s city-planning engineers — who are responsible for transforming Shanghai into the dynamic and vibrant city that it is today — to leaders from Hands On Shanghai who work with migrant children to make sure that they get their right to quality education. I also had a chance to visit the World Expo. One of the major attractions is a giant globe, which shows the impact of population and climate change on the earth.

The souvenirs I choose to bring home are books. No matter how heavy, I still end up buying too much of these. I also like bringing home unique snacks we can’t find back home.

A holiday I remember fondly was a trip to Amanpulo with then CNN Style’s Elsa Klensch. It has almost been 10 years since good friends Richard Tann and Inno Sotto asked if I could free up some time to accompany Elsa Klensch for a vacation to Amanpulo. I, of course, said yes and I had a blast. At that time Style with Elsa Klensch was about to end its 20-year run with CNN.

In my fridge (and bag and drawers) you’ll always find chocolates.

My style icon is my mom, Lulu Virata Jorge. She is the ultimate fashionista and can wear anything with style. Through her I learned that it is critical to develop your own style while keeping an eye out for what is best.

If I wasn’t doing what I do, I’d still find a way to do it. I have always wanted to do non-profit work. I feel that it allows you to reach more people and make a more significant contribution to the community, society and the world.

The grooming basics I am never without are heirloom jewelry, which I need when planning outfits for trips or meetings. Especially when I have to attend programs where I have to represent the country, I always have to look my best.

In school, I learned about the importance of knowledge and service for the common good.

After being in business, I realized that youth development and civic awareness are major advocacies that I want people to be passionate about.

The books I am reading now are Predictably Irrational, Why Our Decisions Don’t Matter, Descartes’ Error and Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning.

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