Thank you, dear readers!

When I accepted the challenge of a weekly “Business Life” column, my friends and folks asked me how on earth I’d ever find the time. I hold a round-the-clock job, travel frequently and look after family, not necessarily in that order. True enough, there were weeks when writing was like pulling a tooth. And when abroad, sending the column on time became a feat. But the only time “Ms.Com” went on leave was to actively campaign for our new presiden

Despite the difficulties, 65 columns came out. I credit this achievement to the readers that constantly gave feedback. They praised, castigated, threatened, cheered, argued, cajoled and inspired me on. Thank you for the honesty, sincerity and laughter that we shared.

This is the 66th and final “Ms.Com.” Next Saturday, Aug. 28, a new column, “Citizen Y,” will appear in the main section. Below are some of your comments, and I hope I continue to hear from you.

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Last night I was about to retire with aching bones and a weary heart, but couldn’t call it a night yet without reading your column, so I did and it surely healed my spent body, mind and spirit from the day’s harsh work. That was… laugh till you drop, but it’s all so true, especially the last part! I was truly lightened up. It’s nicer than nice, girl! FLORA

I enjoy reading your column, especially today’s “A pox on the Cha-cha pushers.” You are one gutsy lady; you are frank and honest with your views and opinions and you write without mincing your words. Such a sad state of affairs our country is in because of our leaders.  VALENTINA

Yes, Ms. Slim is fascinating, all right, but without her sister Puring executing her designs, Vacion, or Basi, as we familiarly called her, would not have become that fascinating. Puring, or Piong, as we affectionately called her, was an artist in her own right — a master cutter with her scissors. I watched with fascination when Puring would expertly cut away at expensive materials and produce exactly what Vacion demanded. CONSUELO, 88

The Philippine Obama lives in Naga City, Bicol. He is city Mayor Jesse Robredo, a TOYM Awardee for Public Service and tried and tested. Naga City has developed tremendously while he was city executive. Does not involve himself in any anomalous transactions and consults his constituents on public matters.  RD DURANTE

Believe it or not, this is a fan letter. I’ve been wanting to write you for quite some time now, but this great procrastinator had been running true to form again.

You are a complete surprise... I love your style. And your guts. And I agree with almost all of your views. Especially when you hit that resident tiyanak in Malacañang. The one notable exception was your take on the late Senator Roco. Pardon me, but I really couldn’t understand why many think he should’ve been president. But we wouldn’t quarrel over that, would we?

My instinct tells me I should advise you to go slow, but that wouldn’t be you. All I can do is pray for your safety.   TELLY

It’s been entertaining to read your column, especially when it’s a work-related topic. I’ve been a planning engineer for more than 10 years and your column inspires me to motivate my team to enhance their communication skills to prevent disasters.

Ed, Orange County, CA

Your columns are invariably appreciated, but today’s was exceptionally good. Congratulations and more power in all your advocacies.

Jun Factoran

If you could extend my suggestion to Mr. Cil Pedro, since he has a very good heart I hope he could also put up a program for scholarship.

I am currently working in the UAE. I see how competitive our fellowmen are. It’s the crab mentality that we have to overcome for all of us to succeed. We should support, not destroy one another. It is only we who will support and not other nationalities. They may appreciate our work now since we’re able to serve them but in the end, we have to go back to where we belong.


I am a loyal reader and follower of Philippine STAR. I read your article yesterday “Sesquipedalianism obfuscates pellucidity” and I would like to share it with my readers on my blog… I agree with you 101 percent.

I look forward to more intelligent and interesting topics. GARI

A friend of mine from Dallas forwarded the article you wrote on Afif. I knew Afif when I used to live there (I live in Chicago now). I was his part-time soundman trying to earn party money while going to La Salle… he is extremely generous with his time and resources… I am glad I became part of his life… Thanks for being there with him and making the effort to improve his quality of life. He made a difference to many people, including me.              BO

I’m Col. Bay Pascual of CMO Battalion... I personally appreciated your article “Why officers and gentlemen cry.” Your suggestion was very well said, “The (Army) can alter public opinion by first changing its internal behavior to better conform to external expectations and standards. Only then will the army begin to win hearts and minds.”

Indeed the army needs change from inside… The present promotion system through various levels of selection boards is unhealthy to the officer corps. It revives the dead careers of incompetent officers who stay around until friendly members sit on the board. So we have the system of ”float and up,” unlike in the other armed forces where it is “up or out” to maintain the highest level of professionalism.

I’ve been in the service for quite some time and I saw lots of recycled officers… The significant disadvantage of the promotion board is its subjectivity.                                                                

You have our respect for your very courageous article. When, I wonder, will we have statesmen and men in uniform with integrity and honor?

We pray that journalists like you will stay truthful and dauntless and honorable. You are God-sent.                                                                         RPEREZ

R u a frustrated political columnist or not? It seems you are lost in the dark. You are a columnist in the Lifestyle section, remember, not a political columnist. Why are you so rude to Sec. Gonzales, iha? Why don’t you include the biggest gaffe of the year, Mar Roxas during the anti-Cha cha rally? Or u are just making it pass because it’s anti-Gloria? Could you please transfer to the editorial section? You don’t deserve to be at the Lifestyle section. Good day, iha. 

Romel Ortiz

My thoughts on the RH bill:

• Legalizing contraceptives will promote more premarital and extramarital sex … calling all parents! What has happened to your kids? Napabayaan na at para nang mga sex maniacs… those children will suffer eternal damnation because of the neglect of their parents.

• We are practicing the natural family-planning method and it’s very effective… Marami kasing tamad mag-aral. Gusto sarap agad.

• Sex education should come from parents and not from other people who might have distorted moral values. 

• Poverty is not due to overpopulation. It’s due to corruption in government.


I read your article regarding GSIS and I was wondering if you have a soft copy of it because I want to forward such data to my friends… I believe the act of informing people would contribute much to changing a rotten system... People care… we just have to get them there.                LIBERTY

Thanks for your story on Che Che Lazaro. I support her cause… IBM Philippines installed an P80M IT system that went bonkers. GSIS sued IBM and IBM has done the same. Who suffers? The GSIS members, again! Questions for Winston: was there no oversight committee at GSIS to ensure that the whole P80-million project works? After it went live, who checked the bugs? And now that it failed… the whole processing of loans, benefits, etc. is again done manually! The solution is in technology, not in the courts. Keep writing…


Kudos for your intelligent and humorous column... you are able to illuminate the sentiments of Filipinos who are desperate and deserving of change. I agree that if the people and organizations you offered for sale were sold like hot fish balls, we would have a better Philippines. It wouldn’t hurt to lose 174 congressmen, would it? 

It’s my first time reading your column and I can’t wait to read the next.    DANTE

I want to congratulate you on your article. I admire your bravery and courage... Moreover, I want to congratulate the Phil STAR for allowing your article to be printed. May your tribe increase. After reading your article, I believe there is hope for our country.


Your article is excellent… the writing can’t be better… I need to go over it a few times to fully appreciate it… but I am learning thanks to you. 

I hope your piece is published in the vernacular to make it more accessible to more people. I am glad that my nephew got the STAR yesterday instead of the Inquirer; I would not have “discovered” your column.


You wrote: “The Harvard Business School has a simple definition of poverty. It is badly distributed wealth. If only the fists of the prosperous would be less tight...”

Mahatma Gandhi said, “The earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.”

What is holding us back in helping them keep their dignity as human beings? Belonging to a fancy organization with tax-exempt status is not important… handing out a bowl of soup and bread directly to the hands of the hungry is more rewarding.

My thoughts were provoked by your article... I do not share coffee with my affluent friends anymore… I prefer hanging out with my friends who have less in life… near the soup kitchen that I generously and anonymously support. We do have more than enough to share...


You might not remember me, but I had a one-on-one session with you many years ago for my TV show Business Class. I thought your column today was great. You really had me in hysterics. I wish I could have written something like that for my Daily Tribune column.

Rudy Romero

Bravo! While the article itself is a classic, the “author’s note” is the epitome of intestinal fortitude… But I am afraid that a thousand encores of articles of similar genre will be water off the back of this quack-quacking duck. The avarice and greed for both power and funds… now rival the Marcos conjugal dictatorship with their North-South factions. More power of the pen! My wife and I will pray for your safety.                 Antonio

How I love your column today! Awesome! This is a work of genius!

The two sons of PGMA have acquired properties in the US. Kapal talaga… sila ang dapat tawagin ni Miriam na “rhinos.” NELINDA

I happened to focus my eyes on your column “Quadruple insertion in the National Artist Award”… I caught Mr. Caparas saying that he worked hard to achieve the award and would fight anybody against it.

At 77 years … I am a believer of “wisdom not acquired merely in the classroom” and I categorically say that Mr. Caparas does not deserve the National Artist award… his body of work consists mostly of “chop-chop” … primarily for financial gain... any subject that seems to elicit popularity with the masses...

I wish the National Artist Awards committee would include in the qualifications… dignity and integrity… As for PGMA… stop interfering with a non-political committee in selecting awardees.


I read your column on the state of the nation’s afflictions and I completely agree. You are not afraid of what they can do to harm your business interests. You are brave and accurate in your assessment. I share your views but I cannot express it as clearly as you can.


Loved this piece. People keep comparing Ondoy to Katrina, but I don’t see a level of anger that should be rising because of government ineptitude. These floods, I fear, are not a once-in-a-lifetime event but a warning of things to come. Alarm bells should be ringing throughout the archipelago. Keep writing. I will keep reading.     GENE

I bought my copy of the STAR yesterday… just read it today… I laud what you have written… this is a country where actions are done out of panicking… I almost passed out at the part where Heherson Alvarez proposes to access the UN Climate Fund... pati yun pinag-interesan pa... I am sure if our government officials (gwark!) were given access to that fund… it will be spent for…their personas! This corruption is the main root of the hardship and catastrophic effects of calamity. Sana magpakita ng tunay na serbisyo… na hindi manloloko ng kapwa tao… makakaahon din tayo.   MARK

Glorious article, this “Ingloria’s Bastards”! Thanks for writing my thoughts!  MEL

I like what you have written. My friends who work in government offices also want change so much in this present government. Although you never mentioned your presidential preference, I read between the lines that you are for Noynoy Aquino. Me and my friends, the lowly government employees, share the same preference.


I am a big fan of yours and I admire your witty, insightful and fearless commentaries on the latest headlines. Like you, I am concerned about the future under a regime that seeks to perpetuate its reign of corruption. A new development gives me hope: I was in a gathering to listen to Emma de Guzman, a Filipina visionary, talk about messages that the Blessed Virgin gave her during an apparition… God loves the Filipino people … 2010 to 2015 will be a period of great prosperity… a young man will be elected president and showed her a vision two years ago. She did not know him then...

On this trip, she saw him in the newspapers… he is in his late 40s or early 50s. Some people do not think he is qualified. But God picked him because of the pureness of his heart. He will bring positive changes to our society… end the culture of graft and corruption but not seek revenge.

She refused to give his name and just asked us to pray for discernment… When asked what his distinctive feature is, she said “Yung noo.”


That was a great piece on Erap... Indeed, if Erap has some real love for this nation… he should take heed and listen to what the people are saying and forget his desire to get another shot at the presidency. There is an urgent need for genuine leadership… Erap is prone to surround himself with his cronies, who are just salivating to be in power again … the presidency is not the only way to redeem himself... Let us pray that heaven will give him the discernment and guide him.


My managing director handed me the “Business Life” section of The Philippine STAR, reading aloud: “The PR profession needs a shot in the arm. There is a thin line between the publicist, the propagandist and the operator.”

I think he’s starting to educate me about my new role, media relations officer. Reading your article was very entertaining and scary at the same time. For someone who is just starting, I certainly don’t want to “stare at the mirror and not like what they see,” growing numb to the ethics of the practice.

From a new fan,   MERYLL

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