Are party caterers welcome to the leftover food?

Dear Nanay,

Two years ago I acquired a couple of food carts that I use to cater at parties. Most of the hosts tell us to help ourselves at the buffet table after their guests have eaten. At one party, we were served plated food and drink.

However, at a recent party, the host didn’t offer us food, even though there were leftovers. The party ended past 8 p.m. After cleanup and waiting for the host to settle the balance payment, it was almost 9 p.m. We were there at the venue around 2 p.m. to set up.

My sisters told me that I should have asked the host if I could at least let my staff have something to eat. Is it right or proper to ask the host even if she didn’t offer us any? Although the waiters offered to get us some food and eat at the empty guests’ tables, I told them that there was no go signal from the host. Do I ask my staff to bring their own baon or do I have to provide food for them?

Another thing, there are people like waiters and maintenance staff at the venue who get or ask for food from our food carts during and more so after the party. What should we do? Do we just give them out?

What’s Right

Dear What’s Right,

As in most businesses, I think the guiding principle you should use is that of professionalism. In addition, the answer to many of your questions lies in the fact that whoever paid for the food should be the one to decide what to do with it.

Should you let your staff eat at the buffet? I think your instincts served you well when you said that there was no go signal from the host. Since it was the host who paid for the food, it is only for the host to give it out. Not the waiters. What if the host wants to take home all the leftovers? Or what if there are other guests who will arrive late? Kapag naubusan ng pagkain yung mga bisita na iyon, yung host ang mapapahiya. (If there’s not enough food for the guests, it will be the host who will be embarrassed.) So I do not think that it is proper for your staff to just help themselves.

Should you ask for permission to let your staff eat? Parang hindi rin. (I don’t think so.) It is not the professional thing to do. Your team was hired to do a particular task and unless it was originally part of your contract that your staff should be fed or have a meal allowance, then that is not part of your compensation. This is no different from you asking for additional payment at the end of your job. Wala sa usapan iyan (It’s not part of your agreement) and you should not pressure the host.

If you are concerned about when your staff will eat, maybe the best thing you can do is to give them a meal allowance or baon. That way, you can rest assured that your staff will not go hungry regardless of whether or not the host offers them food.

Can you give out the food in your cart? Again, you have to look at who paid for the food. Since it was the host who paid for that food, it really is only the host who can give it out. If you are already packing up and the party is obviously finished, then perhaps you can ask for permission to start giving out the food kasi sayang naman (because it might go to waste). But while the party is ongoing, the food you serve should really be for the guests only and not the other service staff.



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Letting Kids Be Kids

Dear Nanay,

It seems like every parent today wants their kid to be the best in school. I understand that we all want our children to be the best, but isn’t it too much when we enroll our children in schools at one year old, send them to basketball lessons or make them learn to play the piano before they can even read? Shouldn’t we just let kids be kids and the future will take care of itself?

Jennifer M.

Dear Jennifer,

There are really some parents who will always be more competitive than others. I don’t think you can change that. What you need to do is find a balance that works for you. What are you comfortable with? What are your children comfortable with? What suits your lifestyle?

In the beginning, you should observe what your children are interested in. Do they enjoy music? Sports? Art? And then you should encourage them to do what they enjoy. I think the most important rule is do not force them to do anything they do not want. If they really enjoy what they are doing and they are really interested, you will not need to push them. Sila mismo ang mangungulit sa iyo na gusto na nila mag-basketball o pumunta sa art lessons (They will be the ones to pester you about wanting to take basketball or art lessons).



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