Pregnant and worried about financial security

Dear Nanay,

I am 38 years old and I only got married last November and am now on my 34th week of pregnancy. I’ve led a pretty comfortable life because my parents are well-off, but now that I’m married and will have a child, I am filled with anxiety and worries about how I will be able to support our child. My husband has an outdoor sports shop but since he just opened it, it is still not stable and profitable. He also plans to go into another business with his sister. I work as an employee in a company but I am thinking of going into some sort of business because I think it would allow me more time to be with my baby and give me more security in the future.

My husband and I are both based in China. He is a local Chinese while I am an expat with a comfortable expat salary. Although the company pays me well, the job is not fulfilling, especially when compared to the wonderful jobs I had when I was in the Philippines before. That is why I’m also thinking of searching for other business or trading opportunities in China. However, I do not have any experience in business and am a bit scared. I would usually brainstorm ideas with friends only to conclude later that these ideas are not going to fly. My husband also gives me suggestions but I usually don’t feel they’re a fit for me.

My parents are berating me, saying that they’ve always told me that money is important while I’ve lived my life as if it was not. Now it seems too late for me to come to the realization that my parents have been right all along and I wrongly haven’t prioritized making money and securing a future for my family. I feel I have a lot of catching up to do and feel a little overwhelmed. Nanay, can you please help me?

Lost In China

Dear Lost,

Stable job and well paid. You might want to stay there first. Take care of your baby first. When your husband’s business is more stable, then you can think of starting your own also. It is difficult if you are both in startup businesses because you may not have profits yet.

Anyway, your husband has his own business, so maybe his schedule is more flexible than yours. But note that just because it is your own business does not mean you will have more time. On the contrary, it will probably mean you will be on call 24 hours a day!



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Low-Cost Dna Testing

Dear Nanay,

I read your answer to the query about the disputed identity of a father. You suggested a DNA test as a sure way to discover the true identity of the father.

In view of the above, could you please help me find a low-cost DNA testing center?


Dear Marichu,

We did some research and found the UP Natural Science Institute. Their contact information is as follows: UP NSRI DNA Analysis Laboratory, Miranda Hall, UP Diliman, Quezon City, tel. nos. 925-2965, 981-8500, fax 925-2965.

I hope this helps you and good luck.



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