A simple thank you

For Filipino corporate leaders, entrepreneurs and employees worried about what the future will bring, armed forces and policemen walking the beat in troubled areas, families squabbling, friends who have become enemies and individuals having a hard time getting sleep — peace would be a welcome visitor as the new year approaches.

The economic prospects for 2009 may not be too optimistic, but as a leader or supporter, you have the tremendous opportunity to be a messenger of peace this season and beyond. However, you won’t be a convincing bearer of tranquility if you’re silently overpowered by fear. Here are six ways to find personal peace, inspired by Justin Pinkerman of Giant Impact, as you savor the gifts of the current year and look forward to a new one.

1. INTROSPECT. It is necessary in knowing yourself, but self-awareness is not sufficient, you need to connect it with what’s out there in the world. To do that, exchange ideas with friends, observe closely, and ask a lot of people about their work and their lives. Appreciate all the friends who are beside you and family members who are always there to give support. Take moments of silence, examine your thoughts, and be mindful that great, working relationships are what matter most on this earth. You have to sustain and nurture them since they will come in handy when the need arises.

As leadership guru John Maxwell averred, “Relationships help us to define who we are and what we can become. In my own life, I can see how relationships have shaped my character, values, and interest. I consider relationships to be my greatest treasures in life and an immense source of joy.”

When you interact with others you exchange energy, emotions, ideas, and values. Some relationships reinforce your values and uplift you, while others undercut your convictions and drain you.

2. EXTEND A HELPING HAND. If you find yourself in dire straits, avoid wallowing in your problems. It will pull you down into the hideous mess of self-pity. To neutralize the circumstances, take deliberate steps to pay forward. Be a blessing to those who need help — feed the hungry in a local day care, bring joy to the sick or the old, build a house for the homeless, play with street children or alleviate, albeit momentarily, the feeling of loneliness of prisoners.

Use your “gifts” as you reach out; share the talents that you employ so naturally so others can adopt them. Using your gifts expresses your uniqueness and brings you joy, especially if you find ways to incorporate them into your work and life. To ascertain your gifts, review your “success stories” and look for inherent talents that appear consistently in the things you do.

3. RETURN THE FAVOR. Every time something good happens to you, do something good to someone else. Strangely enough, you will find yourself being pulled out of the dreariness of your own circumstances because of your generous acts. As has been said, the more you share your blessings, the more you are blessed. Giving your time and resources helps you regain perspective on the most meaningful pursuit in life — blessing others. For sure, you will regret many things in life but you’ll never regret being too kind or too fair, as life becomes lighter and happier if you care. Besides, focusing on another person’s world takes your mind off of whatever may be wrong in your own.

4. MIND YOUR BODY AS YOU MIND YOUR SPIRIT. Counteract the spiteful routine of overindulgence. Put your body in shape, and your spirit will cheer up. This way self-confidence is reinforced and challenges are confronted with immense determination.

5. THINK ABOUT YOUR INTERESTS AND PASSIONS. What would you do if you had spare time (think about creative, outdoor, social, and intellectual activities)? What did you love to do when you were young? If you were given a limited sum to spend in a bookstore, what types of books or magazines would you spend it on? What do you think and talk about? Is there a cause you feel passionately about, some injustice that you hate, or something that the world or your community needs?

6. BE A PERSON OF FAITH. Draw from your spiritual beliefs. Celebrate the traditions of your religion, whatever it is, spend time in prayer or meditation, and share the confidence inflamed by your conviction that things will turn out right despite dire predictions.


Now, on a corporate level, you can draw inspiration from the Globoforce study, which revealed that the value of a simple “thank you” goes above cash to motivate employees during tough times. In today’s recessionary economy, where a raise and variable pay are often the first to go, companies are challenged to find cost-effective and meaningful ways to keep employees motivated and their morale high.

Globoforce, a recognition strategist, said that acknowledging the workforce with “thank yous” and other little expressions of gratitude provide psychic income, a fundamental but important human need. It answers the need for social acceptance, a heightened sense of worth and improved self-realization. When mixed into a corporate incentives plan, this recognition scheme can bring long-term influential effect rather than monetary rewards.

A strategic recognition program that thanks and rewards employees lift workers out of difficult circumstances. It helps people to be psychologically resilient, a vital trait for survival. You’ve got to have employees who remain positive despite the negative situation. I would argue that recognition is even more important in times like this. This approach is essential now as companies seek cost-effective, creative ways to spread goodwill among their employees, show their appreciation for a job well done and boost productivity.

Several recent academic and industry studies, as Globoforce cited, support this concept. The 2008 White Water Strategies survey revealed that acknowledging staff achievements (praising employees) has the same impact on job satisfaction as a one-percent increase in pay, while the 2008 Japanese National Institute for Physiological Sciences research found that paying people a compliment appears to activate the same reward center in the brain as paying them cash.

Conquer your fear and say thank you more often. These are simple, yet workable things that you can consider doing as you face off with 2009.

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E-mail bong_osorio@abs-cbn.comfor comments, questions and suggestions. Thank you for communicating.

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