What job seekers need to know

We received this letter in response to the letter of “L,” which was published last Sept. 1.

Dear Nanay,

I am writing about the plight of “L” and her troubles in securing a job. We have various job openings without age limits. Hence, she can get in touch with me.

You can also forward future letters from senders asking for career counseling or those seeking local jobs or work.

Having said that, I wish to share my two cents’ worth.

Job seekers must think if, for example, a managerial job is indeed what they want. Yes, these jobs may be high paying but often, managerial jobs demand so much time away from your family.

Senior management jobs are really few relative to entry jobs and a lot of people desperately want them. They are blinded by the perks and perceived honors attached to the position.

I suggest that applicants equip themselves with enabling credentials. Once upon a time, it was highly valuable to have an MBA, more so from a credible institution. But this is not the case nowadays. On the contrary, I strongly urge people thinking of acquiring a two- to three-year graduate degree to instead invest their time and money in learning foreign languages. This is not limited to contact centers as even manufacturing and service companies will require their managers to be multilingual to enable flexibility in moving where the sales demand or the efficient material sourcing is located.

They must be at peace with their advanced age, and realize that there really are jobs requiring young age such as entertainers, theater actors, brand managers, advertising executives, gym instructors and scuba diving instructors.

They need to upgrade with new skills as their old skills may not necessarily be transferable or relevant to the sunrise industries. The work experience acquired in the garment and steel factories by plant managers, for example, is not applicable in managing outbound contact centers, which pay very high and provide unlimited job opportunities. The environment and employee generation are too different.

Hope that I was able to help.


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Her Husband And His Ex Are Still Communicating

Dear Nanay,

I have been married for six years and we have a good marriage. My problem is that my husband is still friends with his ex-girlfriend. I think they were engaged before. They talk to each other every week even though she is already also married with her own children. He says it is nothing and they are just friends but it really bothers me. Do you think I am being unreasonable? Am I being too jealous?


Dear Mai,

I cannot blame you if you are bothered by your husband communicating regularly with his ex-girlfriend.

Now, I don’t really know if anything is happening but for your husband to be talking to her so often, there is definitely a chance that something is happening. And even if they are really just friends, I think because of the fact that they have such a close and regular contact, there will always be a chance that it might become something more. This can be dangerous.

Besides, what is it that your husband can share with his ex-girlfriend that he can’t share with you? Talking to someone so much requires effort and time. Shouldn’t that effort and time be devoted more to you and your children? 

Maybe your husband is not sensitive to this issue so you need to point this out to him. I think you should talk to him frankly and let him know how you feel. Give him a chance to relieve you of your suspicions.



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If you have a question, e-mail us at asknanay@nationalbookstore.com.ph or just drop your letter at drop boxes in all National Book Store branches nationwide.

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