A fuller life in these crunch times

In the fell clutch of circumstance/ I have not winced or cried aloud/ Under the bludgeonings of chance/ My head is bloody but unbowed … It matters not how strait the gate/ How charged with punishments the scroll/ I am the master of my fate/ I am the captain of my soul.

“Invictus” by William Ernest Healy

In these trying times of continuous oil price hikes, increasing commodities costs and the onslaught of both manmade and natural disasters, it is the resourceful individual who thrives. Not content with passively accepting the consequences of the peso’s diminishing buying capacity by tightening his belt, he looks for alternative means to augment his income. For this type of driven individual, the merger of Fuller Life and Tupperware translates into better earning opportunities.

“From underwear to Tupperware,” says Pablo Perez, managing director of Fuller Life Direct Selling, describing the broad range of products that the company now offers. “We are very excited about the integration of Tupperware in the portfolio of world-class brands now being carried by Fuller Life. The addition of Tupperware will definitely add prestige and excitement to our offers. We welcome Tupperware’s loyal and hardworking sales force to our team.”

The brands of Fuller Life (formerly Sara Lee, Philippines) include Playtex, Hanes, Champion, Wonderbra, Colour Collection, Ivana, Nutrimetics and Zwitsal. On the other hand, Tupperware is one of the Philippines’ pioneers in the direct-selling business, mainly known for its innovative products made of high-quality plastic. The alliance means that an estimated 25,000 Tupperware agents will join Fuller Life’s 180,000-strong sales force from 90 branches nationwide.

For direct sellers, the additional products may spell a great difference in supplementary income. The Fuller Life sales force gets the best earning opportunities in the direct-selling industry. Aside from an incentive car program, travel perks to international destinations are available for achievers.

Why is the direct-selling business an attractive option for people looking for second jobs? Flexible hours are a big plus factor. One need not take time off from a primary occupation, and individual efforts can be marshaled to meet particular needs.

For example, when the demands of home and family are too pressing, one can take time off from selling. There are no fixed schedules and no fixed sales quotas, so a second job does not impinge on existing work or family and social obligations.  Moreover, the direct-selling business encourages an individual to be thoroughly familiar with what he is selling — a great advantage because once he is aware of a product’s merits, he, in turn, becomes a more convincing and effective salesman.

The biggest bonus for direct sellers is that it is an opportunity to establish their own business. Admittedly, they are part of a bigger organization from which they obtain some training. Afterwards, however, they are largely on their own. The motivation to do well is personal; the effort expended on the endeavor is a matter of choice, and the ability to develop business management skills comes with experience. Income is commensurate to effort, and no one else can be blamed for diminishing commissions. Thus, a primary consideration for direct sellers is an alliance with a reputable and dependable corporation.

Success in the field means better financial stability and more income — for better education of offspring and the means to acquire real estate and other property. A good salesman is able to empathize with his customers, enabling him to “push the buttons” that will convince them to buy his products. Thus, a direct-selling business is also an effective means of building confidence and people skills. The merger of Fuller Life and Tupperware translates to a wider range of quality merchandise and better opportunities for direct selling.

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For inquiries about Fuller Life, call the toll-free number 1-800-10 FULLER (1-800-10-3855371) or visit the Fuller Life office nearest you.

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