Is it too late to study law at 50?

 Dear Nanay,
For the last five years I have been contemplating going to law school. But some circumstances in my family and some financial constraints prevented me from doing so. I am now 38, and if all goes as planned, I want to start at the age of 50. How common is it for aspiring lawyers to be admitted to the bar at 55? Is it too late for me to pursue my dream?


Dear CPY,

I don’t think it is too late. As a matter of fact, it is never too late. The choice is yours. At 55, you are still very strong and it is definitely not too late to start your career as a lawyer. It just all depends on you. Are you willing to go back to school at age 50? Are you willing to make the sacrifices necessary? If you are determined to do what it takes to pursue your dream, then there is no reason that you cannot achieve it.

You can even work in the day and study at night. Or you can be a part-time student and maybe take five  or six years to finish your law studies before you take the bar. It all depends on your love for the subject and your passion to reach your goals in life. It is not unheard of for people in their 40s or 50s to start law school and be admitted to the bar. If other people can do it, why not you?

I say go for it!



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Go Back To School Or Stay At Home?

Dear Nanay,

I’m 25 years old, a CPA, happily married and a stay-at-home mother to my 19-month-old daughter. Although I had a bright career ahead of me, I gave it up upon the request of my 80-year-old father. I am not regretting what I did because it made my daddy happy and I did it with all my heart. But I can’t forget my dream of becoming a surgeon. I feel that I have fulfilled what my dad requested me to do and now it is time to do what I want to do. But now that I have a family to take care of, will it still be possible for me to fulfill my dream? Natatakot ako masira ang relationship ko with my daughter. Ayaw ko po kasi maiwan lang sa yaya yung bata. (I’m afraid this will ruin my relationship with my daughter, I don’t want to leave her with the help.) Should I just give up my dream?                           


Dear MD,

First of all, I agree with you that your daughter should be your priority. So you really need to think about what you are doing and consider all the pros and cons. If you still believe it is worth fighting for your dream then I encourage you 100 percent to follow your dream. Do not give it up!

If you want to spend time with your daughter in her early years, maybe you can wait till she is a little older before going back to school.  Go when she does not need you 24 hours a day anymore. In fact, your daughter may even find it inspiring that she and her mama are both going to school at the same time. It will show her the importance of education because even “big” people go to school to help themselves get better and fulfill their dreams.

It will definitely be difficult. Lalo na iyang medicine, medyo matagal ang pag-aaral diyan (Especially med school, it takes a long time to finish). But believe me, it can be done if you are willing to make the sacrifices and you set your mind to it. There is nothing that you cannot do.



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